The 4 Benefits of Good Posture, Part 2 Emotional Benefits & Achieving Better Posture

Upright posture
Published in
4 min readNov 1, 2017

Remember when your mother or even your school teacher told you to “sit up straight” and to have better posture? Putting your mother’s thoughts on proper etiquette aside, she may have been onto something. Having better posture has many surprising benefits. In our previous post, we discussed the social benefits of having a better posture, but there is also a whole host of emotional benefits to go with it.

Appearance — Make a Supermodel out of You

Whether we notice it or not, the human brain perceives people as being attractive depending on how symmetrical and balanced their faces are. By holding our heads up high and practicing better posture will create a more balanced appearance. You don’t see models strutting their way down the runway with their shoulders curved over — no, you see them walking confidently with their chins up, shoulders back and stomach tucked in. By simply walking in this way will make you feel as though you’ve had an instant boob-job (for all you ladies), give you a slimmer waist and project an aura of confidence making you feel like you can take on the world.

Why not try this little experiment:

Simply stand or sit in front of a mirror and try slouching and frowning. How do you look? Bored, noticing a few more stomach rolls, dull and spiritless could also come to mind.

Now try this simple adjustment; stand or sit up straight with your head held high and shoulders pressed back and why not throw a smile in for luck. Try it now! How did you feel? Notice how this simple movement affects your entire appearance and the way that you feel about yourself.

So many people feel emotionally down inside and believe they are in need of a tummy tuck, or breast enlargements when all they really need to do is adopt a better posture. Imagine how many millions of dollars people are wasting on cosmetic procedures and products a year when all they really need to do is correct their posture. This is where UPRIGHT comes in. For a fraction of the price, UPRIGHT GO can help rid you of your slouching habit and help you not only look better, but also feel better about yourself inside.

Make an Impact!

So what if you appear better, how exactly will that affect you, emotionally?

By adopting a more upright standing or sitting position, particularly at an important event, say a job interview or business meeting, will do more than just make you appear confident, it can actually make you feel more confident. “Expressing more powerful poses helps up to get better jobs, makes us feel better and makes us overall more successful“ Ted Talk 2012, Amy Cuddy. It turns out the old cliché; “fake it until you make it”, has some scientific merit backing it up after all.

Deep down most of us do care to some extent what people think about us. We’d be lying if we said otherwise, it’s just human nature. If you can change the way you impact other people it will inevitably make you feel better inside.

Empower Yourself

By sitting in an upright and more powerful position makes it easier to have empowering thoughts. According to Erik Peper, Professor of psychology at San Francisco University, ““Emotions and thoughts affect our posture and energy levels; conversely, posture and energy affect our emotions and thoughts,”. Peper’s research found that it takes a mere two minutes to change your hormones and the way you feel, meaning you can technically change your brain chemistry and the way you feel as you stand upright making your morning coffee. Bad posture according to Peper is a significant contributor to depression and decreased energy levels. So by adopting a better posture when using UPRIGHT you will feel less groggy, more alert and empowered to tackle anything life throws your way.

Better Posture: Better Mood

“Research shows that adopting an upright seated posture in the face of stress can maintain self-esteem, reduce negative mood, and increase positive mood compared to a slumped posture”.. By wearing your UPRIGHT GO, you can break that bad slouching habit and help you to make a positive first impression: not only will your better posture make you appear more attractive and confident but it will also help you to feel enlightened and happier too. Throw your negative feelings in the trash and listen to your mother — sit up straight!

If you want to learn more about the benefits if UPRIGHT posture, you can learn more on the Upright website here.



Upright posture

Upright is the world leader in connected posture trainers, helping make good posture easy to achieve by people of all walks of life.