How to disable/enable “Do Not Track” (DNT) in your browser

Published in
1 min readMay 19, 2017

UPDATE: Upscribe now fully supports DNT mode :) No need to disable!

What Is Do Not Track?

Some ad and analytics companies watch what you do online, and then tailor the web experience based on your history. That means targeted ads, specific articles, etc. They usually do this via browser cookies. Upscribe uses cookies very little, however, if you have this setting enabled in your browser you will see an ugly DNT message overlaying your embedded Upscribe form. Here is how to disable it…

In Chrome

Head into the Settings page and click “Show advanced settings.” Scroll down to the Privacy section and select Do Not Track.

In Mobile Chrome

Head into the Settings and then Privacy > Do Not Track.

In Firefox

Select Preferences > Privacy and check the box marked, “Tell websites I do not want to be tracked.”

In Internet Explorer

Click the Tools button and then Internet Options > Advanced. Select “Always send Do Not Track Header.”

In Safari

Head into Preferences > Privacy and check the box marked “Ask website not to track me.”

In Opera

Click Preferences > Advanced > Security and select “Ask websites not to track me.”




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