Winter Classics

Baby, It’s Cold Outside


Upside Down
Published in
2 min readDec 23, 2023


Photo by Josh Hild on Unsplash

Frosty winds howl through the night,
As snowflakes dance beneath the light.
Winter’s chill is in the air,
Baby, it’s cold outside, I swear!

The trees stand bare, their limbs outstretched,
A frozen landscape, stark and bleached.
The ground below, a blanket of white,
A winter wonderland in sight.

But don’t let the cold keep you inside,
Bundle up and take a stride.
Embrace the season’s icy grip,
And let your spirit soar like an eagle’s trip.

For in the stillness of the snow,
Lies a beauty that only winter knows.
So bundle up, my dear, and step outside,
And let the magic of winter abide.

The cold winter brings with it a unique set of challenges and delights. While the snow and ice can make travel difficult and even dangerous, they also create a beautiful winter wonderland that can be enjoyed from the warmth and comfort of indoors.

For those who love outdoor winter activities, the cold weather provides ample

