Can You Believe It’s December Already?

Bayzid islam Bony
Upside Down
Published in
3 min readDec 18, 2023
Photo by samer daboul

how quickly this year went by. It seems like it went by in a flash, and now it’s December — 2023 is almost over. Have you ever felt like you’ve been sleeping through life, like Rip van Winkle.

Life is really hectic and it can be hard to keep up with everything. We are all in the same situation, right. Stuck in our daily routine, trying to manage our plans, reaching some goals while giving up on others, and thinking about things we are still trying to understand.

We are all feeling rushed for time, but at the same time, each day seems to go on for a really long time. It feels like time is messing with us, going both slow and fast at the same time. Do you ever have that feeling.

We track our lives by the important events — children getting older, relationships changing (or not), and unfortunately, saying farewell to loved ones. And, of course, we include the usual celebrations during the year.

We have everything you need for a fun night out, including parties, dinners, weddings, and concerts. However, the daily routine feels like it’s moving very slowly.

However, in the middle of everyday life, things can be confusing and unexpected. It feels like we are going too quickly to notice all the little things.

Have you ever heard the saying, “can’t see the forest for the trees”. It means that sometimes we get so caught up in our daily lives that we can’t see the bigger picture.

The news can bring us down. There’s too much bad stuff in the headlines. It can be too much to handle. But guess what. There was also some good news in 2023, even though there was a lot of political and war-related problems.

Have a look at this:

1.NHS To Offer Drug To Treat Inherited Cancers, Breast and prostate cancers often run in families because of faulty BRCAs genes. Good news for people with these cancers, the NHS has approved a new treatment called olaparib. It is a targeted therapy that will help improve quality of life and reduce the risk of the cancer coming back.

2. Scientists Discover A Microbe That Will Help The Climate, Researchers working on the Italian island of Vulcano have found a reason to be hopeful in the fight against climate change. A group of divers found a tiny organism called cyanobacterium. It lives in volcanic areas and eats CO2 very fast. Damian Carrington wrote in The Guardian that researchers want to use tiny organisms that naturally take in CO2 to help get rid of the harmful gas from the air.

3. Goodbye coal Renewable energy is becoming more popular, a lot of households are now putting solar panels on their roofs. In fact, 50,000 homes have made the switch, which is the highest number in seven years. Of course, it costs money, but if you can afford it, it will lower your bills in the future and help the environment a lot.

4. Great news for the planet — the ozone layer is getting better faster than we thought, all because of a treaty from 1987.

5. Bees are doing better again because Europe has stopped using pesticides that harm them. Our food chain is becoming safer.

6. Inflation has been slowing down, and it has been dropping for the past six months. It could go as low as 2% by the end of the year.

7. COVID-19 is getting better because people are getting vaccinated. It could happen often instead of being a big problem for the whole world. Difficult times are almost over and will soon be just a memory.

So, here’s the deal — let’s not worry about things we can’t change. Life is full of surprises, but we are all trying our best with what we have. We’re all in this adventure together, okay.

Every day is special, so take your time and enjoy the good things. Take time to enjoy the little things, be happy in the moment, and be nice to others. In the end, we are all in this journey of life together.



Bayzid islam Bony
Upside Down

SEO Expert , Article Writer, Affiliate Marketing Aficionado , Content Writer , Freelancer