Poetry | Sonnet

First Snowfall Of The Season

As gentle flakes descend from skies above

Upside Down
Published in
3 min readDec 1, 2023


Photo by Annie Niemaszyk on Unsplash

In winter’s grasp, when autumn’s hues have fled,
And nature’s emerald cloak is laid to rest,
A hush befalls the earth, a quiet thread,
As snowflakes dance upon the world’s behest.

The air grows crisp, a chill upon the breeze,
As winter whispers secrets to the land,
With silent grace, it paints the barren trees,
And tenderly, it weaves a snowy strand.

The first snowfall, a spectacle profound,
A tapestry of white, a pristine shroud,
Enchanting all with beauty so renowned,
A spectacle that leaves no heart unbowed.

Oh, winter’s gift, a marvel to behold,
The first snowfall, a tale forever told.

As gentle flakes descend from skies above,
They blanket all in soft and pure embrace,
Transforming fields and forests, far and wide,
Into a wonderland, a sacred space.

