I saw you…….

Syed Huzaifa Kashif
Upside Down
Published in
2 min readSep 8, 2023

I saw you.
I saw you spreading your wings in a glittery white dress with your scarf as a halo around your head. My pupils constricted like never before as it was the brightest thing I had ever seen. You seemed like a white rose in the morning with dew drops on its petals. Fortunately, unlike other roses, you didn't have any thorns on you. Your eyes spoke about your innocence and your tone reminded me of the calming sound of the waves. It felt unreal,it felt like I'm viewing a hologram that I could never feel but I always wanted to. Your spotless white dress made you look like a snowflake. You slowly started flapping your wings while looking at me and my eyes were glued to you. You then passed a smile, looked at the sky flapping your wings in a rhythm now with stardust falling from your wings and started hovering. As soon as you started to fly I shouted your name out loud and mourned to take me with you but.......

.......But you left, you left me and it felt like I'm stranded on an island with null hopes in me. My pupils got dilated again and I hated you, I promised I'll never forgive you until.......

.......Until I heard a sound similar to a wind chime. I saw you again gently landing down at the same place and this time it was brighter and your smile was wider too. Then you revealed to me another set of wings. I didn't take longer and rushed to you with my back facing towards you. What you did made me realize that I was wrong and I should've not judged you.

With my back facing towards you.......
.......you asked me to look you in the eye, and I did.
You then raised my chin up, wiped my tears and told me to smile. As soon as I smiled, you attached those wings to me and we ascended towards the sky leaving all the worries behind. We're still flying and we'll always be flying high together!

