
Just Keep Breathing

Awakening the Spirit

Qaiser Khan
Upside Down
Published in
2 min readDec 14, 2023


Just Keep Breathing

In times of struggle, when life feels tough,
When storms surround you, and the road is rough,
Remember to pause, take a moment to reflect,
And find solace in the simple act of breath.

Just keep breathing, let the air fill your lungs,
Inhale the calm, exhale what stings or stuns.
Feel the rhythm, the rise and fall of your chest,
A reminder that within you, strength is possessed.

When chaos engulfs and worries abound,
When darkness lingers and hope can’t be found,
Close your eyes, focus on each breath you take,
And let it anchor you, a lifeline to break.

Just keep breathing, in this moment, be still,
Allow the air to cleanse, to heal and fulfill.
With every inhalation, release the weight,
Exhale the doubts, the fears, the self-imposed fate.

In the ebb and flow of every breath’s gentle kiss,
Uncover strength, peace, and your inner poise and bliss.
For breathing is a reminder of life’s precious gift,
A constant rhythm, a spirit uplift.

So when life feels daunting, and your steps unsure,
When the road ahead is unclear and obscure,
Keep faith in the power of your breath’s gentle flow,
For with each inhalation, strength will grow.

Embrace the power of breathing, let it show,
A calming tempo that propels you as you go.
Through every challenge, every trial you face,
With the simple act of breathing, find your place.



Qaiser Khan
Upside Down

Devoted cooking enthusiast, poet, blogger, and content writer