
Morning Prayer

Dawn Devotions: A Soul’s Request

Qaiser Khan
Upside Down
Published in
2 min readDec 9, 2023


Morning Prayer
Photo by Alex Shute on Unsplash

Dear God, I come to You in humble prayer,
Seeking Your guidance, knowing You’re always there.
In times of joy or in moments of despair,
I find solace in knowing You’re everywhere.

Grant me strength when my spirit feels weak,
Wrap Your love around me, the peace I seek.
Help me walk a path that’s true and right,
Filled with compassion, kindness, and light.

When storms arise and my heart is worn,
Hold me close, for in You I am reborn.
Grant me wisdom to discern what’s best,
And courage to face each new test.

Dear God, I pray for those in need,
For healing, comfort, and hearts to be freed.
May Your love and grace be their guiding light,
Bringing them hope in their darkest night.

Bless my family and friends, near and far,
Keep them safe, wherever they are.
May Your blessings overflow in their lives,
And may they find joy in Your divine ties.

Thank You, dear God, for Your boundless grace,
For the miracles that surround us, we embrace.
In prayer, I find peace and strength anew,
For in Your presence, I am forever true.

(As a Muslim, I refer to God as Allah, but I substituted Allah for everyone’s reading and praying. Everyone follows which school of thought we should honor.)

Qaiser Khan

Old Diares

Written on June 22, 2021.



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Qaiser Khan
Upside Down

Devoted cooking enthusiast, poet, blogger, and content writer