Quantity vs quality: transformation of a writer.”

Hiran Dhakal
Upside Down
Published in
3 min readOct 22, 2023
source: vecteezy.com

There are two approaches to publishing on Medium: quantity approach and quality approach.

Quantity approach

The quantity approach is all about publishing a large number of stories in a short time interval. For example, if a writer publishes one story every day, then they are using a quantity approach.

This approach is best for novice writers who are unsure whether they will be accepted as a writer, or if their stories will be read. They may not have decided who their potential readers are, adopted a style, or found their niche.

During the quantity approach, writers make their presence felt by publishing frequently. Their stories may not be well-researched, as there is no time for it. They may be general and cover vast topics, reflecting the writer’s chaotic mind.

But there are some advantages to the quantity approach:

  • For writers starting out, it provides good writing practice.
  • Writers can quickly understand their readers’ tastes.
  • Writers may find some followers and get appointed as a writer in some publications.
  • Writers can reschedule their routine to be able to write every day.

Thus, the quantity approach can help writers get into a writing mood.

However, there are also some disadvantages:

  • Focusing on quantity can undermine quality.
  • General stories may not be well-received, as there is nothing unique or original in them.
  • Some publications prioritize quality over quantity, so writers may not be accepted.
  • The sheer effort applied may not be reflected in the views received, which can demotivate writers and even make them quit.

Quality approach

The quality approach is diametrically opposite to the quantity approach. It is best for established and well-respected writers with a big fan base and expertise in their field. These writers have a niche and are masters of their craft.

If a writer fits this profile, they need to have a quality approach. They need ample time to publish a story — not less than a week — but once their articles are published, they will direct thousands of readers to their page. Thus, their articles must be:

  • Well-researched
  • Specific to a topic
  • Unique
  • Masterpieces

There is nothing wrong with the quality approach, but there are some disadvantages:

  • If there is a long time gap between published stories, readers may forget the writer.
  • If the writer has set a high benchmark with their stories, not publishing up to expectations may frustrate their followers.

Reconciling the two approaches

As writers, we need to grow from the quantity approach to the quality approach. When we first start on Medium, we are ignorant of many things. Our writing skills are rusty, and we have no followers to encourage us. In this precarious situation, we need to operate like an automatic machine that produces numerous articles on a daily basis.

This will give us a stage and a small bit of recognition. We will identify our potential readers and find our niche.

Once we have mastered the quantity approach, we can spend more time on research and gain some expertise in a field. By this time, we will have developed a unique writing style and a reputation among our followers. Now, we can lure our readers by supplying them with the best of our imagination and creativity within a reasonable time interval.


The best approach for you will depend on your individual circumstances and goals. If you are a novice writer, start with the quantity approach to gain experience and build a following. Once you have established yourself, you can transition to the quality approach to produce more polished and in-depth work.

