Su*cide Note

Syed Huzaifa Kashif
Upside Down
Published in
2 min readOct 17, 2023

In the depths of my despair, I’m penning a Su*cide Note of a different kind.

Photo by Ahmed Adly on Unsplash

Dear friends and family.

In these darkest moments of my life, I found out that there's no point in living a life like this. I tried to make my life a smooth, effortless road, but it's marked by hurdles, setbacks and moments of self-doubt. My heart shattered when I was passionate and determined for my goals, but didn't achieve according to my expectations. Now, I don't have the patience to continue to live like this. I can't see myself drowning again after fighting powerful tides that have swept me away in the past.


I can't take this anymore and I want to end all of this.


I'm going to a place where I'll be free from these problems. I am going to end it all.

I am about to do it…..

I'm about to press the restart button. I'll be ending my mistakes, inconsistency, procrastination, and all my negative thoughts that bother me day and night. I want to embark on a journey of self-discovery that would lead to self-improvement.

I’m ending it all to become a better version of myself. Remember me in your prayers.

Syed Huzaifa Kashif.

