Near Death Experience : A Fascinating Insight !

Mystery That Will Leave You Questioning Reality !

Shubham Zujam
Upside Down
5 min readNov 26, 2023



Patient Zindagi’s near-death experience takes place in the midst of a medical drama at Karuki Hospital, capturing the interest of medical professionals and setting off a quest into the mysterious world of these remarkable happenings. The foundation for comprehending the phases that make up near-death experiences was laid by Dr. Thomas Flishman’s studies and Dr. Bruce Grayson’s life-changing event in the 1970s. We examine the scientific viewpoint as we go into these stages—from bizarre sensations to a transcendental experience—in an effort to solve the puzzles surrounding this intriguing occurrence.

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Envision a situation that occurs in the intensive care unit of Karuki Hospital. Zindagi, the patient, overdosed and lost consciousness. He is fighting for his life. Concerned family members of the patient are being attended to by Dr. Duse, who is on the floor. Dr. Kaprupur, who had been engaged elsewhere else, bursts in. The doctor’s second-floor colleagues are curious and concerned about the situation. A fascinating story can be told about what transpires between the patient and the doctor.

Dr. Bruce Grayson’s Journey

During his psychiatric study in America in the 1970s, Dr. Bruce Grayson experienced a profoundly transformative event. He saw that this materialistic world we live in was about to undergo a complete transformation. Following a near-death encounter, Dr. Bruce’s outlook on life was altered. He committed his life to researching the phenomenon and the accounts provided by patients, eventually rising to the position as the world’s preeminent authority on near-death experiences.

Phases of Near Death Experience

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Professor Thomas Flishman of SRH University in Berlin has studied near-death experiences in great detail. He has categorised these experiences into five stages, with the fifth stage being especially interesting because only 10% of people go through it.

Phase 1 : Intense Feelings

People report experiencing strange feelings at this point, like their bodies suddenly expanding or becoming detached from their bodily forms. They might feel weird things happening to them and hear strange voices. Despite this bizarre world, people frequently experience joy and calm. They might become aware of their existence outside of the physical world at this point.

Phase 2 : Absent from the Body Perception

In this phase, people experience a disassociation between their conscious and physical selves, much to the narrative in the film "Doctor Strange." When patients describe their near-death experiences, they typically describe feeling as though they are inside their bodies and then outside of them. According to science, the brain continues to function for roughly 30 seconds after the body’s organs stop functioning. This is what leads to the strange sensations many report at this point.

Phase 3 : Comforting Darkness

During this phase, nearly 98% of patients report feeling incredibly at ease and at peace. They frequently come across unexplainable entities and hear odd, unidentifiable sounds. While some people might experience a profound sleep-like state, others might experience disorientation and confusion. Though the experiences differ, the sense of peace never changes.

Phase 4 : Mysterious Light

In this phase, patients frequently experience total darkness, which is followed by the appearance of a cosy and alluring light. They might glimpse a bright tunnel that beckons them with waves of light that are too strong to resist. They find it difficult to resist the tunnel’s attraction, which pulls them in.

Phase 5 : The Transcendent Path

Only 10% of those who have survived near-death experiences have mentioned this phase. People who have described it speak of an enthralling ethereal place with lovely colours, heartfelt music, and unwavering affection. Patients frequently experience intense memories from their previous lifetimes during this stage, which is a place that transcends our terrestrial realm. It’s possible that these encounters will force unresolved issues to be addressed before leaving Earth again.According to Dr. Thomas, there is a pattern to these stages and they can occur in a similar order for different people. All near-death experiences, however, are distinct and have special meanings.

The point of view of science :

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Although there isn’t enough scientific evidence to explain near-death experiences in detail, researchers have found some intriguing links. For example, during each step, the body goes through distinct changes, like a drop in heart rate and blood pressure. Furthermore, the brain activity associated with near-death experiences is similar to that of dreaming, hallucinations, or other altered states of consciousness. When the temporal parietal junction in the brain is activated, different sensory experiences and altered awareness result.Even though we do not yet have the technology to completely comprehend and explain these experiences, there are some cases—like the one involving Dr. Bruce Grayson—that offer strong supporting data. The intriguing features of near-death experiences, such as the possibility of superhuman skills and the presence of parallel realms, are the subject of ongoing research.


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Through the testimonies of people like Dr. Bruce Grayson and the studies of Dr. Thomas Flishman, near-death experiences provide a profound window into the secrets of human awareness. As science tries to understand the physiological alterations brought on by these encounters, the fascinating phases described by survivors provide windows into worlds that are beyond our knowledge. The research of near-death experiences is ongoing as technology develops, and it holds the potential to reveal the amazing aspects of life that exist outside the realm of life and death.

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Shubham Zujam
Upside Down

A wordsmith with a penchant for diverse topics. Writing to inspire, inform, and entertain. Let's dive into the world of words together. #Writing #Passion