
Rachael Weinberger
Upside Team Blog
Published in
3 min readFeb 12, 2021

My biggest professional takeaway from 2020? Opportunities come from change. Change is often uncomfortable but it’s important to put yourself in an uncomfortable space in order to grow and turn challenges into new opportunities. Discomfort is when the learning happens!

2020 brought a lot of change. Really, for me, the only consistent thing was change. I changed departments, changed managers, changed departments again which ultimately led to a change in management… once again.

When I first switched departments, I moved on from my first manager and mentor out of college and faced my first major professional challenge. I felt the security I previously had was “leaving” as I found myself in a position where, after only one year in my role, I was expected to be the subject matter expert. At the time, all of this felt like a great deal of pressure, however, I stayed focused on the opportunities in front of me and on the confidence within me that I had built over the last year.

As I juggled taking on more responsibility while learning how to communicate with a new leader, I realized that I knew a lot more than I was giving myself credit for and that I didn’t have to have all of the answers.

After a few months, I started thinking about where my future could grow at Upside and focused my efforts on becoming a Product Manager. While this change was ultimately my decision, at times it seemed easier to stay where I had already built a solid foundation. But I knew I had to step out of my comfort zone and grow personally alongside Upside.

Walking into the land of Product, I gained new responsibilities, a new team, a new confluence space and a new collection of books! The knowledge I had gained starting on the CX team has provided me with a unique perspective on how I approach my current role. While I am still learning the ins and outs of my new role, I recognize that I am capable of doing anything I set my mind to and that I bring a different set of skills to our team that make us stronger as a whole.

While some may find change daunting, I have grown with each of these chapters. When I first moved to DC, I embarked on a solo adventure. I was terrified of what a new city, alone, would hold and intimidated by the endless possibilities. Today, two years, three managers, and two departments later, I know that I can chart my own path.

I have experienced a whirlwind of emotions throughout the past year, but most importantly, I have a newfound understanding of the importance of change. These changes have made me a better contributor to those around me, and I look forward to whatever change comes next.

What changes and challenges have you tackled in 2020? Ready to make a change in your career? Check out our open roles at Upside Business Travel!

