For the Love of Networking…And Cheddar Cheese

Adrian Coffey
Upside Team Blog
Published in
3 min readAug 1, 2019

As I stood quaking in my too high heels, clutching a plastic cup of caustic red wine, I couldn’t help but wonder to myself: “is this really worth it?” I was 22, fresh out of college and attending my first “networking event” along with 150 or so other hungry young Washingtonians. We jockeyed for cheddar cheese cubes and the attention of the several dozen recruiters and seasoned professionals in attendance with little more to show for ourselves than a few college courses and maybe an internship or two, but as it turns out……it really was worth it.

That night, I ate more of those cheese cubes than I care to admit and barely ventured away from my tight circle of equally nervous girlfriends, but as I watched other, more polished young professionals, I began to realize there was something to this. There was certainly a strategy but there was also certainly a value to simple, real conversation. Maybe I didn’t land my dream job (or any job) that evening, but I did learn a lot. I started learning the subtle art of interviewing, of selling oneself, of making real professional connections, of being an adult. Over the next few weeks, as I put those ideas into practice at networking events across the city, things began to fall into place. I chatted, I emailed, and yes, I ate more cheddar cheese cubes. Eventually, those chats and emails started turning into introductions, interviews and finally offers.

Here at Upside Business Travel we place a very high, very genuine emphasis on culture. We do not look for a culture “fit” but rather a culture “add.” We’re always looking to add fiercely smart, dedicated and qualified candidates to our team. But that’s not the hard part. The hard part is finding that all wrapped up in someone who enriches us, teaches us, and brings their own passion to the office each day. That’s where networking comes in.

We’ve all heard the age old adage “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know” and in a town like DC, many of us live and die (quite successfully) by this idea. Now that I’ve made the transition into recruiting myself, I am here to tell you, it’s true. Well, half true. I’m probably not going to hire you to work as an engineer if you’ve never heard of JavaScript, but I probably will call you if my superstar colleague thinks you’re wonderful and passionate about learning what JavaScript is.

Last week, Upside hosted a networking mixer in our office to bring together local tech groups, encourage conversation and foster connections with the support of Wonder Women Tech and Women Who Code DC. We invited members of meetup groups, advertised on social media and reached out to our own networks.

I spent the afternoon scurrying to Whole Foods for flowers, arranging branded cookies just so, and introducing myself to nervous young engineers. But later in the evening, I popped a cheddar cheese cube in my mouth and looked around. I saw Upside’s VP of Engineering listening intently to a brand new engineer describing her job search, I saw an Upsider connect a friend of his with a colleague on a very different team, and an elementary school teacher looking to break into software development laughing alongside our newest Product Manager. I saw people who may never have crossed paths getting to know one another. I saw what I had seen many years ago. Simple conversation paving the way to successful, lasting professional relationships, and I, for one, can’t wait to reconnect with all those eager, fun people behind the LinkedIn profiles and resumes. Who knows, maybe someday soon, I’ll welcome them to Upside or write my own email introduction touting “this awesome person I just met.”

Special thanks to our team of #networkwithUpside hosts: Chiamaka Okoroha (the event mastermind!), Cristyn Girolami, Mollie Bates, Tim Reynolds, Yesem Kebede, Beshad Talayeminaei, Hayley Berkebile, and Emily Chen and our event partner organizations Wonder Women Tech and Women Who Code DC.

