Why You Don’t Apply to Jobs on This Job Platform

Jailany Thiaw
upskill blog
Published in
4 min readMar 6, 2024

Our team at upskill has built a platform that connects thousands of job seekers from around the country with top-tier job opportunities in meaningful, well-paying industries.

But, despite how your standard job site works, you don’t apply to jobs on upskill. Here’s why:

1. Applications are frustrating and tedious

Data shows that with an increasing focus on capturing job seeker data, applications are becoming longer and more tedious. In 2022, a whopping 92% of job seekers exit job applications before they ever even finish.

Job seekers today are working harder than ever to get an offer and the last thing anyone wants is to spend even more time jumping through the hoops of long and over-designed job applications pages.

2. Finding jobs to apply to takes too much time already

LinkedIn polls and data show that candidates spend as much as 40 hrs per week applying for jobs. The results of one talent leader’s poll show these results clearly:

Public LinkedIn poll published and reviewed by industry recruiters

Asking job seekers to spend this much time is unjust, especially knowing that their time may not be met with any reward. Imagine what people are giving up doing because they have to spend so much time in this process.

3. Job applicants get ghosted anyway

Despite all the time and effort it takes to apply, 78% of job seekers reported being completely ghosted after applying for a job in 2023.

A large reason for this of course is the sheer volume of applications that recruiters have to process after layoffs — applicant volume is up 30% from 2022 — but regardless, this sort of candidate experience is damaging to both the job seeker as well as the reputation of the company. For some job seekers, it’s just not worth it to apply at all.

upskill offers a new approach.

Our AI-based job platform is leaving all of that headache behind.

On upskill, instead of applying for a job, job seekers click one simple button — “I’m interested” — and then sit back and wait for the best jobs to come to them.

How job seekers find roles they love on upskill

After someone expresses interest, the upskill team reaches out to the optimal contact at the company of interest and politely informs them that there’s a great candidate who is interested in what they have to offer.

Once that recruiter or hiring manager reviews our upskill member's profile, we connect them with the job seeker, and a real relationship can be formed — rather than yet another job application being tossed onto a pile.

For the case where a connection isn’t formed: upskill lets everybody know and shares actionable feedback with everyone involved 100% of the time.

No more ghosting.

Old job application sites are built only for the interests of corporations.

upskill is built to level the playing field.

Here’s why job seekers click “I’m interested” on upskill rather than apply through the traditional process:

  1. They save loads of time by focusing their energy only on companies that they already know like their profile. If they connect with a company, great! If not, no time was lost since all they did was click one button.
  2. When the recruiter at those companies does invite them to apply, they’re more likely to be moved on to the interview stages because the recruiter has already seen and approved their profile.

Expressing interest isn’t just good for job seekers, it’s also good for talent acquisition teams.

Take a look at this post from an HR Manager at Google who is leaning into this approach — “Just Comment ‘INTERESTED’” she says:

Original Post (LinkedIn)

For recruiters on upskill, they get to build a talent pipeline year-round and always have a pulse on exactly what kind of candidates they’re attracting interest from. When it comes time to hire, they’re already one step ahead of the competition which has to them start sourcing from square 1.

The truth is that job applications are cumbersome for everyone — so we removed them. Try out upskill today.

Happy not-applying!

