9 Top Grade Schools Offering Free Economics Courses (plus Free Text Books)

Jess Be Happy
Upskill/No Bill
Published in
5 min readJul 2, 2024


Money Makes the World Go Round! Find Out How and Why with These Free Economic Courses.

If you are hoping to enter the world of Business and Finance or you’re an entrepreneur looking to boost your knowledge base, a strong background in Economics is a must. To help you on this journey, I have found nine world-class schools offering free courses on the subject plus a little treat at the end. Read on!

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1. Yale

Based in New Haven, Connecticut, ivy league Yale University has been dishing out impressive alumni since 1701. Its curriculum was originally theology based and designed to educate religious ministers, but has since expanded into all fields and is behind some of world’s most important academic research.

In 2007, Professor Diana E. E. Kleiner launched Open Yale Courses (OYC) with a mind to increase access to educational resources through technology. OYC offers courses in Humanities and Sciences covering History of Art, Languages and Philosophy. At present they have four subject areas in the field of Economics. Discover them here.

2. Saylor Academy



Jess Be Happy
Upskill/No Bill

Passionate about storytelling, lifelong learning and the weird and wonderful.