We can help you Land a Strategy Consulting Role

Harish Yadav
Published in
4 min readFeb 5, 2020

Today we have a lot of career paths to choose from. You can become a writer, musician, philosopher, engineers and the list could go on. In our hyperconnected world yet everyone chooses to work in business consultancy. This presents interesting scenarios where every liberal art major’s dream job is to join Goldman Sachs, Mckinsey or any other big consulting firm.

Photo by Helloquence on Unsplash

Strategy Consultants are one of the most sought after career paths in the world. The consulting firms are also spending copious amounts of resources to find, hire and train the best of the minds in the world in the tools of the trade. This presents the scenario where Strategy Consulting is one of the most coveted jobs in the job marketplace. After this fight to get in and the high bar to let only the brightest ones in. Only a lucky few are able to enter the world of consulting. The ones who couldn’t, are left wondering what is that it takes to get in.

There is a large information asymmetry in terms of how to prepare for consulting roles and what skills to prioritize. We struggled with the same questions and went on to uncover those secrets. We wanted to help people upskill themselves to qualify for these roles. Who could have been a better guide than who has done it themselves? Someone who has spent years interviewing aspirants for these same roles? Our quest led us to Senior Consultants in Big Consulting firms who were ready to spill some of the beans. We were excited upon learning so much about this mythical world of consulting. We wished only if we had the same knowledge while graduating we might have actually joined Goldman Sachs than building UpSkillie. Just kidding, but you get the idea.

There is a method to the madness

The crux is, we figured “There is a method to this madness” and it is these masters who could teach better about these arcane methods. So we implored these masters a little more and they agreed to mentor aspirants for us. It is under the guidance of these mentors that we formed a program to help get other commoners like us to get into consulting.

The training for Strategy Consulting

The program aims to cover the following grounds:

  1. Resume building Coaching: A good resume is almost like a mythical sword that just looks and shines like other swords. It is what fire it is forged in that tells if it will be able to slay a dragon or meant for footsoldier. Our experts train you in a Dummy’s Guide on preparing your resume that gets shortlisted for consulting interviews. (Read: Slay the dragon)
  2. How to solve and excel at case studies: A guide to strategy consulting specific case study’s and what exactly is that what your interviewee looking for. (Read: Mastering the sword fight)
  3. Key skills needed to crack interviews: We will throw the booking knowledge out the window and get real on how can you actually get in. We share the insider’s trade secrets to consulting interviews. (Read: Battleplan)
  4. Support with your job applications and conversion: We will handhold you as you apply for your various positions. We will even find positions to apply for you which are not publicly advertised much. We will stick around with you until you find your job. (Read: Escorting you into battle and in-battle supplies)

The program runs for over a period of 4–6 weeks which covers weekly one on one mentoring from industry veterans. You will get around 4–6 contact hours with the experts spanning over the whole program. Since we cannot deliver a magic pill in those contact hours you will also have to spend 3–4 hours of weekly self-learning as per the advice for that week’s session.

For whom is it meant for?

Quite frankly it is meant for those candidates who aim for higher potential. For those who are stuck in an environment where it doesn’t provide them with enough opportunities to grow. It is meant for working professionals with 0–4 years of work experience and also for students who are in the final years of their academic programs. All those who are interested in business strategy roles in management consulting, industry and startups.

How can you join this mythical program?

Apply here for screening

You will be able to join the program after rigorous vetting and phone screening. You can apply here to be considered.

Why should you actually join our program?

  1. One on one personalized coaching: This is essentially our biggest asset because these industry veterans are senior folks and their time is precious. This is our biggest asset in getting them onboard for mentoring.
  2. We will charge you only when you receive an offer higher than your current CTC. Yes, you heard it right! Our incentives are aligned with yours.
  3. Like we said earlier we throw the bookish knowledge out of the window and get real with senior working professionals. There will be real cases and real mock interviews with real consultants.

If it is not enough to convince you to join, you can reach out to us at hello@upskillie.com and we will see what will.

