We will help you get your first developer job!

Harish Yadav
Published in
3 min readMay 3, 2020

We are a career accelerator that prepares you for tech jobs.

Source: wearebrew.co.uk

Software development is increasingly becoming a self-taught skill. There are so many learning resources out there that anyone can learn to code. The proliferation of all these resources has made more and more people joining the tech industry. College students are graduating into tech jobs irrespective of their degrees. There is even a higher than ever late-stage mobility into tech careers. All this has helped the IT industry solve a lot of its talent scarcity problems.

Despite of all of these access to learning resources, it doesn’t always convert into job opportunities. What a lot of these self-taught coders do lack is relevant experience and more importantly guidance to convert these self-taught skills into employable skills. They go out in the market and find it increasingly tough to find jobs.

Why can’t you find entry-level tech jobs?

The reasons for this difficulty in finding a job could be many like lack of job-relevant experience, skills or even connections. They could lack the relevant depth of technical knowledge or may lack knowledge of Data Structures & Algorithms to be able to clear interviews. They might even lack proper job prospecting and resume skills.
There are just so many reasons guys who can build software but struggle to find entry-level jobs. The same kind of trouble is also faced by college graduates who haven’t had the chance to do internships in tech.

How can we help?

We talked to a lot of developers & learned that having development skills alone wasn’t enough for them to work in the industry. They had to push themselves beyond just the programming knowledge to develop relevant experience through projects and soft skills to find a job.

To solve this problem we came up with an accelerator program by collaborating with industry veterans. Our career accelerator is a mentorship program where our participants learn with their allotted mentor; polishing their technical and soft skills.

Our program consists of :

  1. Working on industry-relevant projects to gain experience.
  2. Mentorship to work as industry-standard practices & tools
  3. Job interview preparation mentorship for both hard & soft skills
  4. Job prospecting, Resume, Cover Letter, and portfolio writing

This program runs for 4 weeks with a mix of one on one mentorship and group sessions. In these sessions, you work with your mentors and peers to hone your skills. In this program, you not only gain job-relevant skills but also support and mentorship as long as you don’t find a job.

Our mentors are technology instructors and veterans who have walked these lanes before you.

You will walk out of this program as a job-ready candidate

Best of all you don’t have to pay anything upfront to participate in our program. We invest in you until you don’t find a job. Then you can pay your mentor a small fraction of your income by the means of an ISA.

We invest in you until you don’t find a job.

How can you join our program?

You can write to us at hello@upskillie and we can begin your screening & vetting process to see if you are a fit for our program.

If you feel like this is something you want to join, then you will find us eagerly waiting for you.

We are at https://upskillie.com

