Data Visualization — Part 6

Good Data Visualization Examples

Kristi Dawn Riggs
5 min readNov 19, 2020


Data Visualization Dashboard
8 critical components of great data visualization (with …

Using what you know about design best practices, human thinking, and storytelling, you can put that knowledge into practice and look at examples of publicly available data visuals, working your way through a set of questions.

How do you think the designer wanted the audience to process the information? What choices did they make when they emphasized information, shapes, or text to draw an audience’s attention? Was there an apparent order and context? Did the data peak your curiosity, emotions, or interest?

Data Visualization — Best Practices and Foundations | Toptal


One of the first things people look at is the title. It’s typically bold. Often, it’s in a color that stands out, usually right at the top of a project where people tend to start when they look at anything.

If you scroll back up to the image above you’ll notice that the title is bold, centered, and describes what I am about to look at. It’s an example of labeling and titling done right.

A mysterious title is excellent for a novel or “clickbait,” but not for a data story. It’s essential to use a title that explains what people are looking at…



Kristi Dawn Riggs

Advisor, University Faculty Adjunct, M.A. Georgetown University.