How Elon Musk Plans to Build the First Mars City

Stephen Pelzel
Published in
6 min readJan 20, 2022


SpaceX Mars City Concept Design

If the greatest technological achievement of the 20th century was landing mankind on the Moon, then the greatest technological achievement of the 21st century will be landing mankind on Mars. Elon Musk is infamously pursuing this dream, claiming that within our lifetime Mars will not only be colonized, but begin the construction of its first city.

Such a bold claim is not without a plan, though, and Elon’s SpaceX is already in the process of setting themselves up for the trip to Mars. The logistics of funding, transportation, and sustainment on Mars are in development in the form of different projects in current development by SpaceX.

Although the first Mars mission is likely a decade or so away, the wheels of progress are already in motion for the billionaire entrepreneur, and the ultimate goal of Mars colonization is within sight…

Funding the City (Starlink)

Starlink Satellites Packaged for Launch

No matter how much genius goes into the planning of a Mars city, at the end of the day it must be monetarily supported to survive. SpaceX has a plan for this, utilizing a side project known as Starlink to fund future operations on Mars. So how…



Stephen Pelzel

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