How to Switch to a Linux OS in 5 Steps

Stephen Pelzel
Published in
5 min readFeb 19, 2021


The vast majority of people today choose to run Windows or MacOS on their computers by default. And while 90% of the time these operating systems (OS) fulfill the needs of their users, the Linux operating system is unique in that it can provide some tools and services that Windows and MacOS simply can not deliver.

Although Linux is perfect for seasoned coders and veteran tech enthusiasts, there are many ways casual computer users can find benefits in switching to the Linux OS; be it for increased security, improved hardware speeds, or simply having the freedom to customize how your OS looks, Linux has something for everyone. In this quick guide, I will go through the steps required to get you started on your new Linux OS.

1: Backup Your Saved Files

Before you download Linux it is important to save all important files, pictures, documents, etc. onto an external hard drive so that they can be re-downloaded once Linux is installed. This can be accomplished very easily by simply buying external drive (320gb drives go for about $30) and plugging it into your computer. From there you can move your files onto the drive and you are good to go.



Stephen Pelzel

Computer Engineering student at NVCC. Follow for the latest tech news and skills. Consider supporting the page: