Is Linux a More Secure OS Than Windows?

Stephen Pelzel
Published in
4 min readDec 12, 2021


Linux v.s. Windows

The Linux OS has built itself a reputation for being a haven for internet privacy enthusiasts, and for good reason. The freedoms offered by Linux to their users is unmatched by other popular OS systems such as Windows and ChromeOS, but how does it stack up in the department of software security? Is Linux more secure from malware and hackers than the mega corporate alternative that is Windows?

The short answer is: yes, Linux is more secure than Windows, although it may not be for the reasons you think.

Linux Kernel is Open Source

Linux and Windows are “kernels” that acts as a middleman for executing tasks

The code that Linux is built upon is what is known as, “open source.” This means thousands of people are monitoring the core code at any given time. So in terms of protection, if anyone tries to alter the code or insert malware they would have to sneak past the thousands of administrators monitoring the code, which is more effort than what it is worth.

On the side of Windows, the code is (obviously) under airtight protection for proprietary reasons. No one except Windows approved staff are allowed to view the code, and this means any exploits in the system take longer to be addressed. Longer…



Stephen Pelzel

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