Starship Project: Elon Musk’s Dream to Reach Mars

Stephen Pelzel
Published in
3 min readAug 4, 2021



The privatization of the space industry is truly a hallmark of the modern age. No longer are we bound to the motivations of governments in order to pursue the final frontier of space. With companies like Blue Origin and SpaceX taking the lead in developing bleeding edge aerospace technology, the ambitions of independent billionaires can fulfill humanity’s desire to reach the stars.

One such entrepreneur, the infamous CEO of SpaceX Elon Musk, has taken his ambitions to Mars, where he hopes to be the first private space organization to land humans on the red planet 200 million miles from Earth. The vehicle which will carry out this mission is the aptly named Starship.

Starship Design and Progress

Starship is a spacecraft unlike any that have come before it. Designed as fully reusable and relaunchable, the Starship’s design challenges the very notion of what a space rocket can accomplish within its life of service. Booster rockets of the past are single use and costs tens of billions of dollars per rocket every single launch, but with a reusable design Elon is aiming to make ‘spacefare’ more affordable.



Stephen Pelzel

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