Top 4 Linux Distros for Beginners (2022)

Stephen Pelzel
Published in
5 min readJan 1, 2022


Which Linux Distributions are the Best?

As we come into the new year, it might be part of your New Year’s Resolution to make the big move to the amazing world that is the Linux OS. If so, then the first hurdle you will have to overcome is choosing what distribution (distro) you want to use.

With so many options, each with their own inherent benefits and tools, it can be a bit daunting for new users to make the “perfect” choice. In reality, it is not as existential as you might think because Linux gives its users the freedom to change distros whenever they desire; so if you don’t like your current distro, you can simply change it and try out another one.

That being said, I am here to make your life a bit easier and show you my top four Linux distros that are great for users who are taking their first steps into the Linux community.

4: Ubuntu

Ubuntu Desktop on Linux

The poster child of Linux distribution, Ubuntu is one of the most popular, and easiest to use, distros for both new and experienced users alike. Although it has a visually different style than Windows10 or MacOS, it is easy to navigate and highly customizable to cater to exactly what you want to see.



Stephen Pelzel

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