Who will decide “What is Good & What is Bad?”

3 min readAug 25, 2019


Before we talk about the Idea of Good or Bad, most of us online are Well educated and we know think we know what is good and what is bad for the same reason we think we know about our life, destiny, god, etc.,

“There is nothing Good or Bad as such in the world, Its all the way that you think. A good thing for you could be a bad thing for someone and also otherwise. Nobody is good or Nobody is bad, it's all about the opportunity. A man who has been a bad person for most of his life will remain a good person if there is no opportunity to commit any bad thing. A Good person can become bad if he has got the right opportunity.”

We hardly get a chance to look closely these factor of life analyze them deeply then try to apply in our lives. How do you think these Good & Bad come into existence, we know that these concepts have come from our ancestors based on some historical events. When there is no concept of Good and Bad, everyone is living their lives as usual. They use to hunt food, find shelter to keep themselves safe from weather & animals.

The concept of good & bad are some or the other way related to joy and suffering. Since our primal beings had lived in groups who think and act alike, and when there is a pain because of the loss of some loved ones by some animal attack they started considering it as bad and when they are able hunt an animal for food which brought joy to serve their hunger. Similarly, attacks on each other within the community because of disagreements in their way of thinking, mostly this caused being self centered thought process which has ignored the effects on others.

Because of these reasons, they had to come up with some social norms to follow which will define whether a person is good or bad which has been cascaded Good things and bad things in the current society. In other sense they started deciding on what is wrong and what is right. If anything or any situation is in their interest and advantageous to them they feel its correct no matter how bad it can turn out to be to others. This is as simple as the similar example.

“Killing animals for food is good for us, but not good for animals. Animals killing humans is a bad thing for us, but a good thing for animals. Since these social norms are biased as they are created by us and in our favor.”

The human race is just one part of the Universe, but these norms are in not favor of all parts of the universe. Its very crucial to understand that there is no Good or Bad in this world. However, since we are living in a society, around people we need to follow social norms to make our life easy and smoother since everyone follows it and there is no resistance from society on how you live. However, If there is an Alternative Earth where there is no belief system, things will be much different from how we see on our earth.




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