All Aboard?

The importance of onboarding

Joachim Santos
Equity Labs
4 min readJun 3, 2019


Let me begin with a story.

Picture from

Third Mason Perspective.

A traveller stumbled upon three masons that were all doing the same painstaking work of chipping big chunks of rock. Even if they were all doing the same work, the traveller noticed something different between each of them and decided to ask what they were doing.

The first mason, who was clearly distressed with his work, snapped back at him and said, “Can’t you see that I’m busy? I’m hammering this stupid rock and I just really need the money.”

The second mason, who seemed a bit more enthusiastic with his work, was asked the same question and responded, “This rock that I am hammering will actually be blended with other rocks in order to construct a wall. It’s honest work and at least it gets food on the table.”

The third mason, who was the most prolific of them all, was clearly a cut above the rest. He took his time to admire his work and ensure that it was of the finest quality. When asked the same question, he paused, took a step back and exclaimed, “I am building a cathedral!!”

One had a job, one had a career, the last had a calling.

Modern Application

Now as a business owner or a leader of any team, imagine if you were hypothetically able to take on the shoes of the traveller and are able to talk to a member of your organization without being recognized. What do you think they will say? Will you be disappointed? Happy?

There will be a variety of answers that will probably both surprise and shock you. But, don’t fret, as there are still some things that are within our control.


The easiest way we can inspire our team members is through the onboarding process as this is the most critical point in time for a new hire. Just as first impressions are so important, the onboarding of a new member is the company’s way to be able to make a lasting influence.

It is important to note that orientation and onboarding are two different things. An orientation is an event that is usually done during the first few days of the new hire while onboarding can last up to six months. Simply having a clearly stated mission and vision is one, but being able to inspire each member of your team will be the x-factor. You cannot really force people to have this third mason perspective and believe in your vision, you can only create the opportunity for them to do so. Onboarding is more about the process of integrating new hires into being part of the organization.

Aside from explaining the basic company policies and intricacies of the workplace, onboarding is the perfect time to tell the story of your company and where it is headed. Explaining the culture and mission should be at the center of the discussion that is tied with the narrative of the company. If possible, an inspiring message from the founder of the company (the visionary) will also be instrumental in empowering each member of the group.


Here are just some benefits of what an effective onboarding procedure can do.

  • Increased engagement
  • Reduced employee turnover
  • Reduced new hire anxiety
  • Establishment of culture and work standards

Empowering your people

The biggest impact that a proper onboarding procedure would have on your people is it empowers them. Having a grasp of the bigger picture enables them to be part of something great and gives them a sense of purpose in their work. Any person that lives with the third mason perspective will be able to take on any challenge and will be by your side through thick and thin. They will be the reason why as a business owner, you would be inspired to keep on going despite how hard it can get. These employees will also be doing with their work as they enthusiastically do things.


In a world that is exponentially becoming more competitive, employees remain at the core of any business. The goal is to be able to cultivate an environment wherein each person believes in the objectives of the company. Having such people on board your team will take your organization to new heights.

At the end of the day, your company is a ship. With each member of the crew playing an integral role of where the ship can go. Some ships may be bigger than others and are more automated, yet without a dedicated crew, the ship goes nowhere.

Oh Captain my Captain! Where shall we go?

About UpSmart

UpSmart is the premier financial consultancy firm in the startup, SME, and social enterprise industry. UpSmart specializes in strategic finance (e.g., structuring and restructuring of legal entities, valuing and modelling companies, serving as chief financial officer of companies) and operational finance (e.g., optimizing business processes and controls, accounting and bookkeeping support, financial reporting and analysis).

About Joachim

Joachim, also known as Waks, is an associate in UpSmart’s consulting practice. He is currently spearheading the People Performance Culture (PPC) division of UpSmart. He graduated B.S. Management Engineering from Ateneo de Manila.



Joachim Santos
Equity Labs

Aspiring psychologist interested in existential therapy. #mentalhealth #psychology