How to Unlock More Potential in Upstate New York

Hack Upstate
Upstate Interactive
5 min readMay 10, 2017

The following is from Hack Upstate writer, Lisa Seeley. Hack Upstate’s mission is to unite and facilitate collaboration among the greater Upstate New York technology community.

Rochester is a city with a long history of innovation and entrepreneurship. This began over 100 years ago with Bausch and Lomb, Xerox, and Eastman Kodak. The entrepreneurs behind these companies were committed to the economic development and diversification of the area. Their vision and diligence have made Rochester what it is today.

Now, it is our job to continue their legacy. Rochesterians must learn from their example with an enhanced focus on both entrepreneurship and technological innovation. There is a huge opportunity to put Rochester and upstate New York, on the map of tech advancement and innovation. We just need to tap into the market of people and ideas who are willing to collaborate to move upstate New York into the future.

Hack Upstate is poised to foster greater collaboration between the businesses and individuals who make upstate New York a vibrant place. But where is the best place to start? Why not tap into the enthusiasm that naturally manifests itself on college campuses?

Continuing Education in Rochester

The Rochester Institute of Technology is a perfect place to begin. RIT was the first college in the United States to offer an undergraduate degree in software engineering. This program dates back to 1996. While many people were just noticing Zack Morris’s mobile phone, RIT was enthusiastically looking to the future.

RIT is a trailblazer in the fields of computer and information sciences. It was recently named one of the top schools in the world to study game design and launch games in 2017 by the Princeton Review. RIT is on the “map” of all things related to computing and technology, not just nationally, but internationally as well.

This outside recognition is great, but what is even greater is RIT’s commitment to creating a collaborative and inclusive community in tech-related fields. The college continues to seek to increase its enrollment of women in STEM related fields. It does this by fostering groups like women in computing, whose goal is to enable women to experience success at RIT and beyond. Girls who code a non-profit focused on encouraging girls to pursue careers in computer technology, explains that by 2020, there will be 1.4 million jobs available in computing related fields. Graduates from the United States are on track to fill 29 percent of those jobs, while women are predicted to fill 3 percent. RIT is committed to closing the gender gap in tech-related fields. The college has even hosted girls only hackathons to help boost interest and success for women in the burgeoning tech market. This fosters a greater inclusivity and enthusiasm in its school of computer and information sciences.

RIT also models collaboration throughout the Rochester community. This past fall, RIT partnered with the University of Rochester to host the Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers (GCEC). This conference brought together entrepreneurship experts from around the world with faculty and staff from both universities to facilitate discussions and brainstorming about the commercialization of high-tech innovation. The fact that Rochester was host to a conference is significant; it exhibits that Rochester continues to be a leader in entrepreneurship and technological innovation. The partnership of these two powerhouse universities only means there is a greater potential for growth for the Rochester region.

Expanding Upstate Career Opportunities

Clearly, there is a lot of opportunity for success in the greater Rochester region. RIT and the U of R do a lot for the community. However, these universities cannot do it alone. Just last year, Rochester was listed as having the slowest growing economy in the nation. How is this possible with two powerhouse universities churning out highly qualified graduates in technology and computer sciences?

Well, these graduates are leaving the area. Hiring fairs often recruit enthusiastic applicants to join them in promising opportunities elsewhere in the country. There is a lot of opportunity out there. The U.S. Department of Labor predicted that computer and information technology jobs would grow 12 percent from 2014 through 2024. This predicted growth appears to be accurate, as employer demand for qualified computer technology practitioners continues to outpace the supply. Computer technology fields also grow at a rate faster than all other occupations.

We need to tap into that potential for growth in upstate New York. This region has long been on the cutting edge of entrepreneurship and innovation. From Paychex to the advent of photonics, and even the burst of craft breweries, Rochester’s entrepreneurs continue to adapt in ways that make the area a robust player in both regional and national markets. We must continue to adapt in order to not just survive, but to thrive.

How do we tap into this potential? How do we bridge the gap between the highly qualified graduates of RIT and the U of R and the innovative nature of the Rochester community?

Local employers need to invest in recruiting and retaining local talent from RIT and the U of R. Why would we want these knowledgeable graduates to take their talents elsewhere? Providing the opportunity for these graduates to stay in the area would not only help the business they work for, but also offer an enormous boost to the local economy. Investing in this local talent has the potential to foster a thriving interdependent relationship between local universities and businesses that would benefit all. This would enable upstate New York continue its pioneering legacy, while also fostering a strong economy. Why not take that chance?

We are on the edge of something great here. Let’s get to work.

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