UI Spotlight: Software Engineer Lauren Adam

kristen @ upstate interactive
Upstate Interactive
2 min readMay 20, 2019

You follow us on Medium, you’ve read our many blog posts, but how much do you really know about our team? Introducing UI Spotlight, where you’ll get to learn a little more about the great people behind Upstate Interactive, in their own words.

Tell us a little about yourself:
I’m originally from about 30 minutes north of Syracuse, so I’ve been coming to the city my whole life, but mostly just the mall. As for my career, I didn’t always want to write code. In fact, I was a Spanish teacher for a year at a private boarding school but realized it wasn’t something I was truly passionate about. I’ve been through a couple career changes as an adult, but once I realized that coding was what I wanted to do, it was a goal that I started working towards and never wavered. I attended the Start Fast Code bootcamp in Syracuse a few years ago, and since then have worked some side jobs giving small businesses’ websites a makeover, while working in marketing before being hired by UI.

What led you to apply to work at UI?
Upstate Interactive caught my eye as company to work for since their inception. Most recently, they drew my attention because of the work they do in the community, in addition to their day-to-day work. Even as a relatively inactive member of the tech scene in Syracuse, I hear all about their events and the work they do, especially for Women In Coding.

Is there anything that excites you right now about the tech scene in Syracuse?
Right now, I’m just excited to see it grow. Syracuse has been known for a lot of things but the tech scene has never been one of them until the last few years. Companies like UI are working toward making this area desirable for other tech companies while hiring local talent when possible, and that’s a goal most companies should strive for.

Outside of work, what kinds of things can we find you doing?
On any given day, you’d be 100% likely to find me either at the dog park with my fiancé and Cowboy Corgi puppy (look it up, they’re adorable) named Alphonse, knitting up a storm, or playing some video games.

If you had a superpower, what would it be?
I’d love to be able to talk to animals. I’m sure we can all guess, but I’d love to know the differences between what cats and dogs have to say.

Interested in working with us? We’re always looking for great people to join our team! Check out our Jobs page for the latest opportunities.

