Why Use Angular Instead of AngularJS?

kristen @ upstate interactive
Upstate Interactive
3 min readJan 26, 2021

AngularJS is one of the most popular web frameworks, yet it’s also the most dreaded. According to Stack Overflow’s 2020 Developer Survey, three out of every four developers feel this way, while more than half of those surveyed prefer Angular instead.

Why is it so dreaded if it’s so popular? And does your application really need to have it?

The differences between AngularJS and Angular

AngularJS is a JavaScript-based, open-source framework for front-end development of single-page applications. It provides a framework for client-side model-view-controller (MVC) and model-view-viewmodel (MVVM) architectures and aims to simplify the development and testing processes. AngularJS is maintained by Google as well as a community of individuals and corporations

Angular, on the other hand, does not require knowledge of AngularJS. It is a complete rewrite of AngularJS and is instead based on TypeScript, a JavaScript superset which Stack Overflow’s survey found is the number-two most-loved programming language (just behind Rust). TypeScript is an open-source language with more advanced features developed by Microsoft for use with large applications. It also has support for mobile browsers, which AngularJS does not, and is five times as fast.

What this means for your application

Using Angular provides you with a faster and more mobile-friendly product. There are also a few more benefits to using this framework over AngularJS:

  • Angular’s architecture, combined with domain-driven design practices, make it easier to develop and maintain larger applications. It also makes it easier for your application to grow and scale.
  • Server-side rendering abilities allow syncing between client and server sides of content, which gives a boost to your search engine optimization.
  • Lazy loading support — loading only the objects needed when they are needed, and not before, makes your product more efficient and speedier.

Angular is simply the better option for developing large and complex applications if you’re an enterprise looking for the right development framework.

Should you invest in Angular?

If you’re starting fresh, then yes, we recommend Angular. It is the most stable web framework available. It enables rapid-prototyping and is best for large enterprise applications and thus, is why we specialize in this framework at Upstate Interactive.

However, because AngularJS preceded Angular, it’s what many companies’ software is built on. Our team is experienced with both frameworks.

If you are already using AngularJS and are unsure if you should invest in an upgrade, we can work together to help you decide which route is best for your project.

Are you looking for Angular developers for your enterprise application? Schedule a free consultation with one of our partners to discuss how software solutions can help you

