We want to work with you on pilots for the planet.

Introducing: The Quantified Impact Accelerator

Marshall Moutenot
2 min readAug 20, 2018

We are proud to launch Upstream Tech’s Quantified Impact Accelerator! This program supports pilot-stage conservation and restoration projects by providing planning and monitoring capabilities through the Upstream Platform. Grantees receive dedicated time with our product team to collaboratively develop solutions, as well as free access to Upstream’s remote sensing and machine learning capabilities to transparently measure progress and quantify success.

New to our work? We are a small team of concerned technologists enabling conservation, clean energy and sustainability organizations to make quantified decisions using satellites, environmental data, and machine learning. Check out our website for more detail.


We invite proposals from non-profit organizations and government agencies currently managing conservation or restoration projects. Like satellites, we have no geographic constraints and welcome proposals from organizations worldwide. Projects will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  1. Alignment with Upstream’s mission to create economic forces that drive environmental conservation
  2. Impact of conservation or restoration outcomes
  3. Feasibility of measurement
  4. Opportunity to scale
  5. Innovation of project design

Questions? Contact Abby Smith (abby@upstream.tech)

The first round of proposals are due October 1.

