Adding Google Analytics on UPTEAMIST

Upteamist Blog
Published in
5 min readApr 4, 2018

For the manager or executive wanting to improve his/her company’s digital collaboration, having an easy-to-use intranet site is key. The inclusion of an intranet site into daily company life is a big decision, so being able to analyze its effectiveness is very important. It is imperative that the intranet’s ROI is clear and accessible, as it allows for the review of resource allocation and of the proper application of defined processes.

UPTEAMIST allows administrators to follow the usage of specific portals with a Google Analytics tracking code. This article will describe how to set up Google Analytics on your UPTEAMIST portal as well as how you can use PowerBI to review and display the Google Analytics statistics.


To perform the tasks listed in this guide, you will need a Google Account and access to the Google Analytics hub at

STEP 1. Navigate to “Admin,” click on the “Account” drop-down, then select “Create new account” (note that if you already have an account created, you can simply select it).

STEP 2. Provide the required information and make sure to set the URL of the UPTEAMIST portal using the HTTPS protocol. Once filled, click on “Get tracking ID” at the bottom of the form.

STEP 3. Accept the terms and conditions.

STEP 4. On the following page, you will be provided with the tracking ID; this is the key information that will be requested on the UPTEAMIST portal. Copy it.

STEP 5. Navigate to your UPTEAMIST portal as the administrator, click on “Settings,” then “Tracking.” Paste the previously provided tracking ID and save your changes.

STEP 6. To verify that the code is working, navigate to any of the pages of the UPTEAMIST portal. In this example, we navigated to the Announcements page.

STEP 7. In a new tab, navigate to the Google Analytics page, then to “REAL-TIME” >> “Overview.” You should see at least one active user on the site (your account), which guarantees that the site is configured correctly.

Bonus: How To Display Google Analytics Information Using PowerBI

You can analyze your data straight from Google Analytics, but if you are like us, you probably prefer a dashboard from which you can conduct your review. In this section, we are going to show you how to make this happen using PowerBI.

To start, you will need to have a PowerBI account. If you have never used PowerBI, we recommend you check out our video before you begin:

STEP 1. Log-in to your PowerBI account. Select “Get Data” at the bottom left corner. Next, select “Get” from under the “Services” tile.

STEP 2. In the search bar, type “Google” and select the “Get it now” button in the Google Analytics tile.

STEP 3. On the next pop-up screen, select “Sign In” and then enter your Google Account credentials. Finally, confirm your approval for PowerBI to access your Google Account information and view your Google Analytics data.

STEP 4. Select the account, the property, and the view. Make sure to select the right account (the one used for tracking your UPTEAMIST portal) before clicking on “Import.”

STEP 5. You should now see a dashboard with the following metrics: site traffic, average daily new users, average daily users, new user growth, sessions opened, session by day, and hits by browsers. Please note the following:

· You can customize the reports and include more metrics by using the PowerBI report options.

· The screenshot below is from an existing UPTEAMIST account to show you sample metrics. If you have just created your Google Account, you should allow at least 24 hours for data to reflect on the dashboard.

STEP 6. Embedding on UPTEAMIST is simple. From the report view, click on “File” >> “Publish to web.”

STEP 7. Copy the html code provided.

STEP 8. Navigate to your UPTEAMIST portal. Go to “Pages” before clicking “+ Add.” Give the page a title, select the embed features from the text editor, and paste the code provided.

You have the option of changing the width and height of the container by 100%, and you can also add tags. Once you are done, click “Publish.” The report should now appear as follows:


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