VOTE to Help us Make LA’s first-ever Social Impact Film Festival, featuring the work of Inspired Student Influencers

We are empowering students to be the change they wish to see in the world. But we need your help to do it.

4 min readOct 18, 2016


Joining Forces for Common Good: Students who participate in New Roads School will explore diversity, social justice and environmentalism through a workshop investigating the power of social impact cinema. Thereafter, New Roads School intends to create a festival to encourage the creation of more impact stories, while intends to do the same while integrating its video-based campaign platform for social impact. Together, we are joining efforts to produce the first UPTOGOOD Impact Film Festival (Spring 2017).

Have you ever watched a short video clip on your Facebook wall, or a ground-breaking documentary on Netflix and suddenly got an overwhelming feeling that something must change? Have you ever wondered how you can help be that change that is so desperately needed? Or have you gotten so touched by a human story that it makes you just a bit kinder for the rest of the day? Week? Year?

So often we watch something online, and our hearts are tugged to do something about it. We want to give, we want to help, we want to tell everyone, but how?

UPTOGOOD and our friends at New Roads School and Media Institute for Social Change have come up with a plan to navigate that first spark of post-viewing inspiration — particularly for the world’s most technologically-inclined and socially connected: our students! In applying for the @LA2050 Grant, we are campaigning for your vote — a vote that will support simple yet meaningful action that generates tangible GOOD in this world, a kind of GOOD driven by our nation’s youngest and brightest minds.

We want to empower our youth and our community in Los Angeles to execute impact storytelling campaigns that effectively address the most pressing social issues and community action.

Our project will do so through impact cinema and impact producing classes. We will then host our first ever UPTOGOOD Impact Film Festival to celebrate and encourage powerful impact storytelling and campaigns.

Finally, we will build a shared and publicly available UPTOGOOD Social Impact Studio, which will provide better access to resources, equipment and support for those in the community that wish to go do some good.

By voting for our @LA2050 Project Proposal, you can help empower students to be the change they wish to see in the world.

Joining Forces for Common Good

In order to make this happen, we need you to vote YES on our project proposal during the My @LA2050 Grants Challenge between 10/18 at 9am PST through 10/25 5pm PST.

We proposed this project because we believe in the power of courageous self-starters who want to make a difference in the world. With this project, students will ideate, film, and host social impact projects for causes they care about on, while working closely with local NGOs, non-profits and companies looking to partner in their campaign.

Who We Are

This project is a collaboration of UPTOGOOD, New Roads School and Media Institute for Social Change.

UPTOGOOD is a video and storytelling platform for social impact and action where anyone can host an impact campaign around a video: a story that matters. UPTOGOOD provides immediate calls to actions along with the campaign video: the ability to crowdfund for a nonprofit, a storyteller and/or a social impact project, rally people behind a petition or a pledge, and share.

New Roads School is a college preparatory program in Santa Monica from which an authentically diverse student population, mirroring the rich diversity of Los Angeles, develops a personal dedication to learning, a respect for independent thinking, and an expanding curiousity about the world and its people.The school was founded in 1995 by Dr. Paul F. Cummins, Founder, President and CEO of the Coalition for Engaged Education / Co-Founder of Crossroads School, and Dr. David Bryan.

Media Institute for Social Change is a non-profit organization that works to inspire, empower, and engage emerging media producers. Their mission is realized through their Summer Documentary Program, Radio U and The Non-Profit Hour.

We are running against other incredible projects for this year’s LA2050 Grants Challenge. The top ten most-voted project proposals will be awarded grant money to embark on the project of their dreams.

So, what are you waiting for?

Help us create waves of influence within Los Angeles and the country at large by exploring the power of video-based storytelling and inspired human connectivity. Vote today.




Impact Stories are just a click away. WATCH. GET INSPIRED. ACT. #STORIESTHATMATTER