It Was Just the Beginning

Uptown Stories
Uptown Stories
Published in
5 min readJan 11, 2018

By Tara M, Age 10

Workshop: Elements of Fiction, Kate Reuther, Fall 2016

Chapter 1

Nikki Loukatos, a 15-year-old girl, woke up to an annoying alarm — the superhero league alarm!

Nikki hopped out of her bunny-like bed and went down to her luxurious living room to turn on the hologram and see what was going on.

“Nikki Loukatos,” said Professor Wat (if you didn’t know, Professor Wat is the leader/boss of the entire superhero league), “Purple Lagoon is up to trouble again at Mountain Valley park. You must stop him THIS TIME, because he has a plan to destroy the world. If you can’t stop him then no one can. I mean. you know you are number one on the most powerful superhero list.”

“B-b-before you go Ms. Professor Wat, I was wondering what is the plan exactly?” Nikki said nervously.

“Nikki, I am sorry to say that the two superheroes that were sent to find out what the plan was were followed home and killed, what I told you before was all that I know of the plan. Good luck Superhero 22387910, we all hope to see you soon.”

Nikki had many superpowers. One of them involves super-speeding, so she super-sped up the stairs to change into her superhero costume.

She put on a sky-blue costume which had a red cape and “N” pasted in white on it. Around her waist she had a pocket which you could take as a purse just with no strap. It was brownish-golden and inside there was a invisibility cape.

After changing, Nikki put her brown hair with golden streaks into a quick high ponytail and ran out of her house to the park.

Chapter 2

Nikki decided to fly to get to the park quicker. She knew she had to keep her identity a secret so she flew very high for people to think she was an airplane. Since it was such a shiny day, the hot sun was blinding Nikki’s brown eyes and, all of a sudden, Nikki started to fall to the ground.

“AHH…wait a minute, someone is holding me! It’s probably Purple Lagoon!” Nikki punched her unmasked savior in the face, got up and was ready to destroy the person whom she thought was Purple Lagoon. Little did she know, it was just a boy!

“Uh, excuse me,” said the boy.

“Yeah, right Purple Lagoon, you’re toast!” she cried.

“Who? What?” The boy turned around.

“Oh, sorry,” said Nikki. “I didn’t mean to punch you, sorry.” She helped the boy up.

“My name’s Nikki, what’s yours?”


“Sorry, again.”

“It’s okay, I guess that’s what I get for saving the cutest girl in my life.”

Then, Nikki realized she had to stop Purple Lagoon before it was too late. Nikki started to run while saying, “I have to go or else I’ll be late.”

“Maybe I could play superhero with you next time?” Justin yelled back.

Chapter 3

“Wuhu ha ha ha, I’m almost done with part one of my plan and no superhero to stop me. Hmmmm, that does not feel right. Wait, I…feel…one…coming…” Purple Lagoon said to himself.

“Stop right there!” shouted Nikki, looking into purple lagoon’s green eyes and his scaly purple skin with fire boosters for feet.

“Ahh!” yelled Purple Lagoon.

Nikki used her laser vision (lasers shooting out of her eyes) on Purple Lagoon, and he fell to the ground.

“Uhggrr,” said Purple Lagoon. “I hate you and always will!”

Nikki started to cry. Seeing Purple Lagoon dead reminded her of her parent’s death.

Her parents had been sent on a mission to destroy Purple Lagoon, having been chosen, because they were number 1 on the heroes list. While they were on that mission they were caught and killed.

When Nikki left the park, Purple Lagoon arose and said, “Oh, Nikki Loukatos, this was just the beginning. You couldn’t possibly think I’d be killed that easy, did you?”

Chapter 4

Nikki woke up the next morning thinking that Purple Lagoon was dead and that her plan must have failed.

Nikki decided to go to the park just to see if Justin would be there.

She put on long ripped jeans with a white tank top and a denim jacket. On her feet, she wore brown high heel boots and she put her hair into messy ponytail. Finally, just in case he was there, Nikki put on a pink tinted lip balm.

Nikki rushed to the park as fast as she could, hoping Justin was there and hadn’t left yet. Luckily, he hadn’t.

Nikki didn’t know what to say since they had only met yesterday, so she decided to say a simple “Hi,” going to the black swings where he was.

“Hi,” said Nikki.

“Hey,” Justin replied. “So, what have you been up to?”

“Nothing much,” answered Nikki.

“I was wondering if you were free this Saturday,” Justin asked.

“Yeah, I am,” Nikki said in a confident voice.

“I thought we could hang out, sort of like a date, you know. We can meet each other here at eight.”

Nikki started to blush. “Okay then, it’s a date.”

Nikki soon left the park after Justin did and when she was walking out she thought she heard something that said, “Mwahha, I’m done with part two of my plan. I’m halfway there and every superhero thinks I’m dead.”

That sounded like Purple Lagoon, thought Nikki. “But that’s not possible, she’s dead,” Nikki stated and left.

Chapter 5

It was Saturday and Nikki was looking through stores to buy some clothes for her date later that night.

She went to “Beauty Stop and Drop” for a dress and found a beautiful, golden, sparkly dress that went down to her knees.

She soon found a store that was called “Heels for Heels” where she found some golden flats with little bows on their tips.

For the final touch, Nikki loosened her hair and wore pink lipstick.

Nikki was on her way to the park, but she took her time just to make sure nothing would get ruined. Once Nikki got there, she saw Justin in a black and white suit with a black tie and his hair slicked back.

Right away Justin said, “Nikki, I need to tell you something.”

“What?” said Nikki.

“Before we date and that kind of stuff, you need to know — ” Justin started to take form, “I know you’re a superhero. Also, I’m the one who killed your parents. This is all part of Purple Lagoon’s plan and it’s just beginning.”

To be continued…

Uptown Stories inspires kids to to discover and develop their inner voices in a diverse community of writers.
Based in upper Manhattan, we offer small-group writing workshops for children ages eight to fifteen, led by master teachers and professional authors. To ensure our workshops are accessible to all children, tuition is pay-what-you-can. Uptown Stories creates an exciting, challenging, and supportive community in which young authors thrive.
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