Deloitte Work Experience Day

Nana Dekyi
Published in
2 min readApr 2, 2019

Ahmed Suleman, Sacred Heart Catholic School and Sixth Form

The day started with 3 inspirational talks from Deloitte apprentices who are on the Bright Start Apprenticeship scheme. They spoke about their individual sectors, the work they do on a day to day basis and how they feel, plus their experience in partaking in the Bright Start Apprenticeship Scheme.

Furthermore, we heard from Nina Gopal who is head of disruptions, she told us about her life and how Deloitte impacted has her. Following on after lunch we spoke to another employee, and he spoke to us about the charity organisation that Deloitte works with. The charity supports limbless children, once given this information we were given a consultancy task which involved creating a website that helps people create and attain prosthetic limbs.

This was a brilliant opportunity provided to us by Uptree and Deloitte as it allowed us to engage and network with business professionals as well as give us the chance to learn key tips and general career advice from them. It was an extraordinary day, one day I would love to work in the city within the legal or technology sector, this day gave me a chance to explore the technology sector but I was also able to gain an understanding of the legal side of the firm through the networking session and this benefited me greatly.

Furthermore I am truly thankful to Uptree and Deloitte for giving me the opportunity to partake in this work experience day; it was a great experience and helped me greatly in assessing future career options.

