My time at Vodafone insight day with uptree

Tamsin Dewhurst
Published in
2 min readNov 23, 2017

Written by Denzel Abdulai, Year 13, Bacon’s College

How did I find out about it and why did I attend?

I went to Vodafone with two aims, first, to make connections and, secondly, to explore the opportunities the company has to offer, and this is exactly what I was able to do. I came across the opportunity through a friend who informed me that he had signed up and planned on attending and he believed it would be a good idea for me to attend as I’ll benefit from it — he wasn’t wrong at all! I applied through uptree and was contacted by uptree to ensure I was up-to-date and good to go.

RIS Challenge

The days agenda

The day started off with a simple introduction to introduce the people we would be meeting and an outline as to how the day would pan out. We had a few tasks for us to network with other students that attended as well as to get us thinking about different marketing/advertisement strategies and an activity where we had to pitch an idea to get funding.

We were also informed about the range of apprenticeships available from Human Resources to Cyber Security. I found this useful as I’m considering doing a degree level apprenticeship and this not only gave me the opportunity to learn about them but also get a first-hand experience as to where I’d be working and the sort of people I’d be working with if I were to work at Vodafone.

Afterwards, we were taken on a tour around the Vodafone office and got to meet their robot which was really cool as it was a demonstration as to how they’re really advancing in the Artificial Intelligence area.

My next steps

After my visit, I’ve decided to apply for an apprenticeship at Vodafone as well as look for others to give myself a variety of options. I’ll also be staying in contact with uptree as I feel that’s a valuable connection for the future.

