Should I go to University or do an Apprenticeship?

Tamsin Dewhurst
Published in
1 min readJan 8, 2019

If your in your last year at school or sixth form college, this question is might be at the forefront your mind. I hope these quick pros and cons will help you to make an informed decision about whether going to University or doing an apprenticeship is right for you!

Pros of Apprenticeships

  • Options available across various industries
  • Clear job opportunities & pathways
  • Nationally-recognised qualifications
  • Earn while you learn
  • Fast career progression & valued by employers
  • No university fees

Cons of Apprenticeships

  • Currently can’t gain access to certain careers
  • Lack of University experience
  • Challenge of working and studying towards a qualification at the same time
  • Might be a lower wage

Pros of Universities

  • Access to Graduate schemes
  • Study a subject you enjoy in depth
  • Gain qualifications for job roles that do not offer Apprenticeship, e.g. Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers
  • University lifestyle
  • Enrichment, access to university societies

Cons of Universities

  • Estimated 40k debt after 3 years
  • Reduced amount of work experience
  • Competitive job market for graduates
  • Risk of choosing the ‘wrong degree’ (A career you decide you no longer have interest in)
  • Some subjects do not offer clear pathways to employment

