The Importance of #FuturesUP

Kelly Norrington
Published in
3 min readOct 25, 2019

On Monday, we hosted our 10th #FuturesUP at Google focusing on careers in STEM. Partner companies such as KPMG, J.P. Morgan, IBM, ARM, UBS, Deloitte, Coca Cola, GoConstruct, Credit Suisse and Google joined in to create a fun, insightful and inspiring day for over 100 students from across London. The day included an inspirational speaker, an early careers panel, speed networking, a STEM challenge and more.

After the event we had an influx of praise and gratitude from students and we’re really excited to share a few to really highlight how and why events like #FuturesUP are so important.

Students networking at careers stalls

When asked what their key takeaway from the event was, many students expressed that #FuturesUP helped them realise “that there are other ways in which people are able to get to the same career without attending universities.” This represents one of the main reasons we do events like #FuturesUP and work experience days. Many students are not aware of the opportunities that businesses and companies have or of the alternative pathways into different fields. We highlight our partner companies’ careers opportunities like apprenticeships, degree-apprenticeships and scholarship programmes.

Other than providing students with up-to-date careers information, we also connect our students to the companies or professionals directly through insight days and events like #FuturesUP. A #FuturesUP student attendee said that their favourite part of the event was “meeting professionals from top companies and getting a chance to hear their journey into their career.” This is another key reason we host such events and encourage students to attend! Events and opportunities to connect directly with professionals impacts students by building their confidence, as many of our students have not had the chance to network or talk to such professionals before. This gives them a head start on building their networks while also works to inspire them, as they get to chat with top partners and professionals who were once just like them. It also gives them an idea of how different and diverse pathways into career fields are, and how valuable experience is.

Another Uptree student said that #FuturesUP opened their eyes to the fact that “not every company is cut and dry. Even a construction company needs people in the technology industry.” Events like #FuturesUP really showcase just how many job opportunities there are out there, and how that isn’t defined by what field your company operates it.

Finally students learn to “take advantage of as many opportunities (e.g. Uptree events) to gain transferable skills to improve application to jobs/apprenticeships as well as show your interest (proactive),” as a #FuturesUP student attendee so eloquently puts it. Careers advice and information as well as opportunities with Uptree and our partner companies are important, but students also will have to take responsibility for their own futures. The best takeaway they can have after attending our events is to be proactive in their own journeys and to continue to upskill themselves as they search for the right careers for themselves.

If you or your company are interested in learning more about us or would like to attend, participate in, or host an event, please contact us via LinkedIn or email us at We look forward to hearing from you!

