uptree presents #FuturesUp STEM careers

Tamsin Dewhurst
Published in
3 min readNov 27, 2017

By Christie Fewry, 17, Bishop Stopford’s School

I am glad that I did not miss uptree’s #FuturesUp event on October 25th 2017. Upon arrival, I had expectations of a conference-like event. However, it was the complete opposite. All the students had a chance to interact with each other and the professionals. I am happy to share my experience at FuturesUp STEM careers event held at Ada, the National College for Digital Skills.

Speed Mentoring @ FuturesUp!

Initially, I registered on the uptree website to find more information about the career opportunities available to me, https://uptree.co. When studying STEM subjects, you’re often expected to aim for a career in engineering or the medical profession. But it’s 2017, things have changed and I knew there has to be more options out there for me. All the students were curious. You could feel it in the atmosphere and see it on our faces; that’s why everyone was so attentive during the introduction.

The experience was completely enriching. I got the chance to hear about many opportunities available to students such as myself. There were two panel sessions, people from different companies were interviewed and we (the students) asked some questions. They discussed a range of topics from personal development to university preparation. Hearing about the professional’s personal stories was truly inspiring. I spoke with Cara Chan an analyst at EY. She explained that her original plan was to complete a degree in dentistry to make her parents happy, after a short while practicing as a dentist she realised it wasn’t for her. Around the same time, she was developing a growing interest for technology, through an apprenticeship programme Cara is now studying at Ada, the National College for Digital Skills whilst working at EY.

Overall #FuturesUp careers in STEM highlighted the different careers I could do and the different sectors within a company that needs STEM students. As well as going to university, a good career can also be achieved through apprenticeships; for example, Google were offering a Higher Level Degree Apprenticeship in Digital Innovation — software engineering. I had little knowledge on apprenticeships before that day. Now I know they offer a chance for students to study at university and gain good paid working experience. All the apprentices said they were happy with the choice that they made. I was amazed at all the great benefits apprenticeships offered. I thought there was nothing for me because I’m aiming to go to university, however, I found out that I could still do a graduate apprenticeship after completing my degree.

Informal networking during the break

The day was all about networking and building relationships. During the speed networking I spoke to professionals from; LinkedIn, EY, Google, Arcadia, BBC, Aspect Capital, ustwo, Capgemini and many other companies. Students also had their CVs looked at for insight days and work experience.

I didn’t expect to meet so many lovely people that I’ll still be in contact with today. On the day I exchanged emails with an influential guest speaker who studied Arts and Science at UCL. I was happy about this because his degree is similar to what I want to study at university. He offered great advice on my personal statement and sent me sources to read for wider knowledge relating to the course.

One thing I learnt from going to this event is that people are willing to help and offer advice just to make the journey easier. It was an insightful day which offered practical steps and useful information towards my goals. I’m definitely recommending uptree’s next event to my friends.

