World Teachers’ Day

Andrea Ng
Published in
2 min readOct 4, 2019

One of our values here at Uptree is always be learning and sharing. We believe that taking time to invest in your own professional development is crucial as it leads to growth of knowledge and contribution, empowering our community.

In the United Kingdom, education is a privilege and is accessible to everyone. The value of learning and sharing comes into play because the more that you learn as an individual, the more you are able to share and thus contribute to the empowerment of your community!

Though many occupations, if not all, require you to always be learning and sharing, teaching is an occupation that definitely falls into that category. As Arne Duncan rightly put, “Wherever you find something extraordinary, you’ll find the fingerprints of a great teacher.” Some of the greatest minds, or those who encouraged the greatest minds, have been teachers. Teachers have the important role of empowering and encouraging young people in a time when they are vulnerable, growing, and moldable. So in honor of World Teacher Day on October 5th, we’ve asked our team about the most memorable teachers they have had!

Kelly Norrington, Content Manager:

“A GCSE graphics teacher who said he didn’t care what I did as he got paid anyway, which I now realise was a way to motivate me (I think)!”

Kelli McGuire, National School Partnerships Programmes Manager:

“Hmmm…tough question. Probably my photography teacher — took his classes for 3 years and he never cared what people thought of him. He’d always tell you (very bluntly) his honest opinion of things.”

Nana Dekyi, Partner Development Associate:

“I would say my most memorable teacher would be my Year 5 & 6 teacher. He was the strictest teacher ever! He was so motivating and would not allow me to not be at my best at all times. He pushed me and made me see the importance of always trying.”

Rebecca Milsom, Schools Outreach Officer:

“Mine was a GCSE Geography teacher. I wanted extra help and would go to him on a Friday lunch time to talk about any concerns I had and he would bring me chocolate and sweets. Was really motivating and I didn’t mind giving up my lunch to talk through exam prep and revision because he made it fun and relaxed!”

Andrea Ng, Content & Digital Marketing Intern:

“I had a Humanities teacher who was young, bubbly, and super fun. I just remember being excited to go to class and learn. She had all these fun and new learning techniques and her passion for the subject got my whole class from 0 to 100.”

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