Welcome to Upvest, Hugo!

Alexander Reichhardt
Published in
2 min readMay 15, 2020


We’re glad to announce a new talent joining our Finance and Compliance team: Hugo Ma! Born and raised in Germany with a Chinese background, he loves doing bike tours, traveling, and cooking delicious meals. With impressive work experience in companies like Commerzbank and zeb Consulting, he’s passionate about Finance and the implications that blockchain technology has on financial regulations. Let’s get to know him a little bit more!

So, Hugo, you just finished your first week at Upvest! How did that feel? Did Coronavirus impact your job start?

My first week at Upvest was very exciting and I was especially happy to meet the team. I truly enjoy the responsibilities I was given from the first days and I like the start-up vibe combined with the professionalism of everyone. Indeed, the current COVID-19 situation is challenging for all of us, however, it is amazing to see how we are able to adapt and complete the entire onboarding virtually.

People often like to spend their gap-year traveling around the world, and you decided to spend it with us. What got you excited about Upvest in the first place?

I had the opportunity to study and work in various countries, and during this time to travel and to explore. After my Bachelor I wanted to gain more work experience and find out in which fields I want to focus my Master studies as well as my future career. I got very excited about Upvest in the first place because I am enthusiastic about blockchain technology since I was researching in this field for my thesis. Furthermore, the following months will be very exciting as we are currently also working on the crypto custody license application and I am very happy to support and contribute to this special project.

We know 7 days are not enough to fully experience a company’s culture. However, are there any specific aspects that caught you about our company culture?

First, the international team and spirit make Upvest very special. Second, I have realized within my first week that everyone’s ideas matter and new suggestions are really taken into account. Even though I am a new member, I feel that everyone is actively supporting each other and it feels like a big family.

Do you have any particular hobbies or interests that excite you?

For the past 25 years I have lived in 5 and have been to 28 countries, so as you can tell — I love traveling. I know how to value the moment and spend quality time, both in crowded metropolises as well as in rural areas. Besides I also like spending time with my friends, riding my bike and enjoying international cuisines.

‍Welcome to Upvest, Hugo!

