
Kaylee Larson
Controversial Topics in Our Society
4 min readApr 4, 2019

By Kaylee Larson

About abortion

Everyone seems to have a strong opinion on abortion. You are either pro-life or prochoice. Pro-life means you are against abortion. Prochoice means you are for it. If you haven’t been listening to the news and media and you are somehow unfamiliar with the concept of abortion it is essentially when a woman has fertilized egg inside her that will grow into a life. Abortion is when the women decides that she does not want to have a baby and essentially kills the fetus. Abortion can be done in many ways. It can be done using a pill, using a suction tool, or if a woman is farther along in her pregnancy, they will stick something inside of the woman that will kill the fetus directly. Now you can see why there is a lot of controversy around this topic. So, go ahead, take your stand.



People that are pro-life feel that if a woman is going to have a baby, she should have that baby. Pro-life people argue that you are taking a human life when you kill that baby. If a woman is going to have a baby, there are other options for her besides killing her unborn child. She could continue with the pregnancy and then put her baby up for adoption. Many sources and articles believe that there are around 2 million couples on the waiting list to adopt. They may be wanting to adopt for many reasons but usually the most common one is because the couple can’t have kids of their own. Imagine your whole life, ever since you were little you dreamed of getting married and having kids with you partner. You and your partner have been trying and trying to have kids, but you cannot get pregnant, you would be devastated. To make it worse, it must be extremely frustrating to have someone destroy your chance at getting a baby because of the women’s decision to abort her baby. The baby that the women aborted could have gone to a loving and caring family. It is extremely difficult to cope with the fact that you will never be able to have a baby and then other couples take their gift of being able to have a child and completely waste it by getting an abortion. Now yes, mistakes happen but is it worth taking the fetus’s life?


People whom are prochoice believe women and couples should be able to choose whether or not they want to follow through and have their baby. Prochoice supporters support the idea of abortion. There is no doubt that pregnancy takes an extreme tole on a women’s body, leaving the women with almost a completely different body then when they first got pregnant. In 9 months, a woman must make a huge lifestyle change not only for her sake but for baby’s as well. If a couple is not trying to have a baby and the woman winds up getting pregnant it is understandable that the women does not want to follow through with the responsibility of pregnancy. Also, if a woman got raped and got pregnant it would be extremely difficult for her to keep the child that was the result of such a traumatic time in her life. Would you want to live with something and constantly be reminded of such a horrible time in your life, every single day? It may also be extremely difficult if a women id facing pregnancy alone or knows that she will be facing pregnancy alone. Durning a pregnancy a woman needs multiple support people. If a women’s family and the father of the unborn baby leave and abandon her, the consequences of that could be devastating. What is a life if the people that should care the most don’t want it?

A medium;

Right now, it is legal in 24 out of the 50 states so right now, so yeah, our country is extremely divided. With almost about half pro-life and the other half prochoice. Abortion has been around for years, in the 1800’s women would get a very risky surgery that could result of the death of the woman as well. Now why would someone want a abortion if they are not only taking the life of their own baby inside of them but, it is possible that they could die too? It sounds crazy but a lot of the reason people were willing and still are willing to go to extreme measures to abort their baby is a lot because of how people react and what society thinks. Being a societal outcast is a fear that a lot of people have. Having a baby at “the wrong time” according to family, friends, and all-around society. Being a parent takes a lot and if you don’t have the support of the father or anyone else, it can be nearly an impossible task. Pregnancy would be extremely difficult alone.

consequences of abortion

If you are pro-life, before you make any snap judgments, think about the person getting an abortion. Whatever the reason is for someone getting an abortion it is still a daunting and scary thing that almost no women take pleasure in doing. After the abortion many women have extreme hormonal changes this can trigger depression or bipolar disorder. They may also feel guilty and isolate themselves from the people that love them. Women who get an abortion may have a harder time getting pregnant in the future. They also must live with knowing the fact that they took a life that didn’t have a say whether or not it wanted to live.



