Gay Marriage

Molly Richardson
Controversial Topics in Our Society
4 min readFeb 14, 2019

The controversy on homophobia is an argument that has stuck with us as a society for decades. Homophobia was socially acceptable by the majority for many years. Most people that are against gay marriage argue that it’s against the bible and are of Christian religion. However, others may say that it just isn’t American or it doesn’t make sense. For example, some heterosexual people may think that two men or women being married won’t have an authority figure or a bread winner. Others may argue that a married couple must be able to procreate. (Even though that isn’t possible between a homosexual couple, it is still possible for them to be parents thanks to vitro, sperm donors, egg donors, adoption and surrogate mothers.)

Homophobia throughout history has always been present however been many steps made towards acceptance of homosexuality and the LGBTQ+ community in recent years. Homophobia originated in early years due to the rise of conservative Christianity and the Bible. According to followers of the traditional Christian faith, gay marriage/homosexuals went against the Bible. Though the Bible states that homosexuality is a sin, it also states that God will accept all of his children. People with homophobic beliefs think that people should only marry people of the opposite sex. Dating back to the early 1800’s, people of that time believed that homosexuals were not human and had evil thoughts and actions. This lead to many queer people believing that their sexuality was wrong and many straight people to believe that gay marriage should be illegal.

Homosexuals were greatly affected by these accusations. The accusations such as, “Gays are sent from Satan,” and “Homosexuals are going against the Bible,” are extremely derogatory towards the LGBTQ+ community. However, some members of the community have used derogatory words that oppress them as a way to empower themselves and the community. But the fact that many people don’t believe that gays should have basic rights affect the LGBTQ+ community in an overwhelmingly negative way. It may make them believe that they don’t have the right to love who they want to, which directly contradicts the First Amendment, Freedom of Speech. Many heterosexual people think that gays are homosexual by choice, that they want to be attracted to the same sex, when in reality that is not true. Another false homophobic accusation is that homosexuality is genetic. It has been proven by science and geneticists, there is no such thing as a so called “gay gene.”

The government has taken action in this argument as well. Historically, society doesn’t approve of gay marriage so it has been illegal. However, in recent years people have started to accept homosexuality. The controversy on whether or not gay marriage should be legal or not made it very difficult to overturn the laws on gay marriage. Even though they have been overturned, many people in the United States sill believe that gay marriage should be illegal.

On the basis of sexuality, most of society is not accepting of people in the LGBTQ+ community. According to this part of society, homosexuals go directly against the Bible and are not accepting God’s wishes. Those that don’t believe in homosexuality/the LGBTQ+ community see it as an odd concept. The “norm” is that men and women are supposed to get married and the man is the sole provider of the family. Thanks to recent activists and feminists that social norm is changing. However, the opinion on the LGBTQ+ community has not yet changed. Society doesn’t regularly accept homosexuals which can greatly deteriorate their egos and confidence.

However, a lot of other people believe that queer people deserve equal rights, as they are the same as anyone else. Again, everyone has the right to the first amendment, Freedom of Speech. That amendment directly relates to homosexuals being allowed to express their feeling towards people of the same sex as well as express their sexuality. People who hold homophobic views however, don’t believe that gays should have such rights. Despite these hateful pushbacks, progress is being made in our society about the acceptance of the community. Due to people strong activism and increasing awareness of the harms of homophobia, we are slowly but surely making progress. Even though a lot of people discriminate against homosexuals and don’t understand them, there are still people who love and care about them.

Gay marriage was originally illegal in America due to the people believing that being gay was against the Bible, since when laws were being made most of the population held traditional Christian or Catholic views. But in recent years, people begun to act against homophobia.

In conclusion, some aspects of life can be difficult for those who identify as LGBTQ+. However, marriage is a right given to everyone at the very instant of birth. Another naturally given right is to love whomever they please. This essay isn’t trying to force you to change your views on sexuality because, like the first amendment, everyone is entitled to their own say. Which is why homosexuals should be allowed to marry their significant other, whomever it may be. If one really truly loves another, and sees a future with them, wouldn’t they want to spend their life loving them? Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness are born rights given to everyone in America so why take away that right to another person who is the same as anyone else. We all breathe the same air, feel the same feelings, so do we not all have the same rights?

