Uranus Project’s Monthly Report

Published in
7 min readOct 1, 2018


By September 30th, the distributed public chain network of Uranus has entered into online testing phase. Our development team will continue working hard and make unremitting efforts to bring the best experience to everyone; our team is currently optimizing minute details in the test network. Uranus market operations team has successfully organized and completed meetups in five different countries and Taiwan.

Uranus strives to be the Airbnb and Uber of the computing resources market. It is a platform that is beyond conventional public clouds and provide its own, shared and autonomous computing resources. Uranus Ubiquitous!

1. Product and Research Development Progress

1.1 Project GitHub


1.2 Key Developers

1.3 Development Progress

A. Completed Development Task

a.Server and Client CLI

● The server is able to load and configure each module by using .yaml type configuration file from various Uranus nodes.

● The client interacts with the server through RPC to implement real-time state change. It also supports blockchain information query, transaction transmissions, module operation and maintenance, etc.

b. Consensus Protocol Module(Consensus)

● Integrate the standard POW consensus algorithm, ensure generating Blocks correctly. Next, increase transactions and reduce resource cost by utilizing DPOS algorithm.

c. Mining Module(Miner)

● Built-in CPU mining algorithm. One can use multiple cores for mining to improve efficiency.

● Increase the distribution and management of remote mining tasks.

d. Wallet

● Provide node private key management of accounts, and support the functions that generate, modify, delete, import, and export private keys.

● Added HD Wallet function that supports the BIP44 protocol.

e. Blockchain Management

● Manage generated blocks and support rollback and storage.

● Prevent forking of the POW consensus agreement and ensure the uniqueness of the longest chain.

● Later, add voting, election kind of DPOS protocol based processing

f. Ledger

● Storage of blockchain and transaction data (including block, transaction, receipt).

● Data storage for world state (including contract and account states).

● Provide the underlying query interface of blockchain data.

● Increase the efficiency of program execution by caching common data.

g. rpc Remote Call

● Support josnrpc 1.0 remote call protocol.

● The rpc service and http service can monitor the same address port, reducing port resource consumption and improving code reuse.

● Support web socket remote push service.

h. txpool Trading Pool

● Manage and verify trade functions, prevent duplicated transactions and double-strike attacks.

● Provide miners with package blocks for valid transactions. Nodes may set up a customized package suited for their own transactional needs.

i. p2p Network

● Use kademlia (KAD) algorithm for mutual discovery of nodes.

● Use RLPx protocol for node handshaking.

● p2p object, listening port, discovery node, connection node, protocol processing (message sending, receiving, processing), etc.

● Proactively configure links and delete nodes.

j. Node Service Management

● Node protocol (definition of protocol synchronizing messages; processing messages).

● Set and broadcastnodes.

● The node object contains multi-service, multi-protocol p2p objects (book service, mining service, node service, etc.).

k. Transaction Management

● User registration and login function.

● Automatically creating a wallet when user registers a new account.

● When the seller adds a host, the system automatically creates a project for the user on Uratiller.

● Call Uratiller to return to the registration script when a host is added.

● The seller opens the web version console and executes the registration script.

● Call the Uratiller interface to synchronize the host information to the front-end system.

● Users can view the details of the host.

● Set the host transaction type, transaction price, and trading period.

● Host’s online and offline operations (hosts are not allowed to go offline while executing transaction tasks).

● Buyers query tradable hosts.

● Shopping cart service (independent deployment).

● Buyers add host to shopping cart.

● Order interface.

● UraTiller Interface and UraTiller Agent.

● Wallet interface and wallet service.

B. Ongoing Development Task

a. Unit Testing of Functional Modules

● Perform Uranus unit testing and module integration testing.

● Optimize codes and fix problems discovered during the test.

b. POW Protocol

● Conduct POW multi-node testing and fix bugs to enhance and improve network stability and efficiency.

c. DPOSProtocol

● DPOS reward mechanism design and program finalization.

d. Wallet

● Add HD Wallet support.

e. Computing Power Container

● Computing container metric algorithm.

f. Order Management

● Create host order list.

● Payment for order list.

● Transaction status synchronization.

C. Planned Development Work

a. DPOSProtocol

● Implementation of DPOS function module.

● Replacement of POW by DPOS consensus protocol.

● Optimization of ledger function adaptation.

● Optimization of p2p function adaptation.

● DPOS single node function test.

● DPOS multi-node consensus protocol test.

● Formal construction of the DPOS test network; check and update all functional modules; and modify functions based on this.

● Increase the handling mechanism for voting, elections, etc. for the DPOS protocol.

b. Computing Container

● Optimize the calculation of computing container’s metric algorithm.

● Optimize the calculation of computing container’s price algorithm.

c. Transaciton Management

● Stack creation and management.

● Management of APP templete.

● APP deployment application.

● System integration test

● Calculation optimizations.

2. Market Operations development

2.1 Basic Operations

As of September 30, the Uranus official Telegram group has 88,926 members coming from over 50 different countries and regions around the world.

Utilizing big data analytics, our entire Telegram group is divided into the following regional communities to better serve our followers: Korea, Vietnam, Russia, and the rest major oversea markets. Uranus will recruit loyal volunteers to manage the aforementioned communities. These volunteers will undergo a strict screening procedure. New recruits, on behalf of Uranus, will be responsible for local community construction, daily operations, marketing, PR, social media announcements, etc.

Community constructions planned for the future: Singapore, India, Europe, and the U.S.

Uranus’ Official Website: https://uranus.io


Telegram Announcement:https://t.me/UranusAnn

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/uraners

Twitter: https://twitter.com/uraners

GitHub: https://github.com/UranusBlockStack


2.2 Market expansion

Meetups in key global markets.

【Station No 1】Korean

On August 2nd, invited by Huobi Korea, Uranus founder (James Jiang) attended 2018 Huobi Carnival and delivered a keynote speech titled “Uber or Airbnb in the Ubiquitous Computing Market.” On the same day, a South Korean mainstream media company, NewsBrite, followed and reported on Uranus project. The scene was bursting with excitement!

On August 4th, Uranus held its first overseas meetup in South Korea after the Huobi Carnival event ended. This meetup was organized by local volunteers and partners of Uranus Korea. Local mainstream media companies, KOL, bloggers and Uranus fans from different industries attended and gathered in Korea!

【Station No 2】Australia

On August 25th, Uranus Founder (James Jiang) attended the first ever China-Australia Blockchain Ecological Summit. James Jiang delivered a speech titled “Uber or Airbnb in the Ubiquitous Computing Market,” evoking strong reactions and interest from attendees. The summit was organized by Australia’s famous Blockchain Global and was exclusively covered by JingSeCaiJing.

On August 26th, Uranus held its second meetup at the famous Blockchain Center in Melbourne. The event was intensively covered by large Australian media companies and KOL.

【Station No 3】Moscow

Moscow! Link for original content: https://youtu.be/7-Mvh88STU0

ICODROPS x URANUS: our team was interviewed by ICODROPS, the largest ICO ratings website in the world. Click the video link to watch James Jiang discuss Uranus’ growth trajectory. Our third meetup was exclusively hosted by Uranus’ private investor, ICODROPS.

【Station No 4】Taiwan region

【Station No 5】Singapore

On September 18–20th, Uranus founder, James Jiang, was invited to attend the Coindesk Consensus event at Marina Bay Sands in Singapore.

On September 20th, Uranus held its fifth meetup at the famous Bittemple in Singapore; the event was covered by various Singaporean and Southeast Asian mainstream media companies.

【Station No 6】Vietnam

This was the last meetup of current phase. The event attracted many audiences and was brimming with energy. Many locally renowned private equity funds came to listen to our presentations including Alpha Whale Capital, Victory Investment Capital, DTR fund, Zasco Capital, and Coin98.

3. Business Cooperation and ecological development

During the early phase of Uranus’ live testnet, computing resource contributors will collaborate with Hackathons based in the U.S. Both sides have already conducted the preliminary round of discussion.

In terms of end users of computing resources, Uranus team possesses rich b2b enterprise experience and resources. It works on collaboration, during the early phases, with national-level computing projects (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Institute of Advanced Sciences, etc.)

For various application development communities (engineering communities in China, Russia, and the Silicon Valley), Uranus continues cooperation with all in the hopes of realizing a self-owned, shared, and autonomous computing power resource platform.




The Ubiquitous Computing Resource Sharing Platform is like Airbnb in house sharing or Uber in car sharing.