Uranus Weekly Report(3.11.2019- 3.17.2019)

Published in
2 min readMar 19, 2019

1. Product and R&D Progress

1.1 GitHub


1.2 Development Content from this Week

  • Dpos` branch merged to `dev` branch, ~~dpos~~ branch ** deprecated**
  • Implemented golang sdk summary
  • Repaired block imports and exports `bug`
  • Reviewed consensus `dpos` module and formatted codes
  • Reviewed virtual machine `evm` module
  • Added test code for block reorganization, `blockchain reorg`
  • Conducted multi-node dpos test examining contract stability
  • Conducted multi-node dpos stability test
  • Conducted multi-node dpos stress test
  • Fixed `bugs` discovered during testing phase
  • Developed multi-computing node agent, and conducted joint debugging
  • Developed API interface (catalog-service micro-service)
  • Enhanced API development including docking and development of user interface and project interface

1.3 Technical Research

  • Discussed the effects of dpos block interval (3s>0.5s, stability)
  • Discussed dpos security and availability considerations (Security > Available)
  • Discussed dpos misbehavior and identification (super account)
  • Discussed misbehavior punishments minus voting tokens (super account penalty)
  • Discussed the solution for dpos with too many stoppages due to the number of reversible blocks (super account blockout solution)

1.4 Development Plan for the Upcoming Week

  • Continue development and integration of developer-related interface
  • Continue to work on front-end development and joint debugging

2. Market Progress

2.1 Basic Operations

•Telegram Group (English): 67706

•Telegram Announcement Group: 73235

•Twitter: 5547

•Facebook: 1237

•Telegram Group (Russian): 1958

•Telegram Group (Korean): 1994

•Telegram Group (Southeast Asia): 40990

•Discord (Japanese): 779

Uranus Official Address:

Official Email Address:contact@uranus.io

Official Website Link: https://www.uranus.io

Official Announcement Channel: https://t.me/UranusAnn

Official Telegram Group: https://t.me/Uraners

Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/Uraners

Official Facebook Page:https://www.facebook.com/Uraners

Official Medium: https://medium.com/uraners

Official GitHub:https://github.com/Uraners

2.2 Market Expansion

In terms of community construction:

The Uranus global community has entered a stage of refined and targeted operations. Below is a report of the activities in each country’s community over the past week.

3. Early Stage of Uranus’ Live Testnet

In terms of computing power contributors, Uranus officially launched a global full-featured node mechanism trial involving Russia, South Korea, Singapore, Japan, Vietnam, India, Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States, Switzerland, 10 others countries and Taiwan.

In 2018, the Uranus team completed the construction of open source communities in Russia, South Korea, Japan, and Singapore (including Vietnam, Malaysia, and the Philippines).




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