Urano is born today

Jorge Carabias
Urano Studio
Published in
4 min readJun 28, 2017

We are a studio that uses design and technology to create excellent products and experiences.

We like things well done

We create our own products, and help start-ups and large companies to design, define and build their own.

We are 100% involved in each project. We established the necessary process to carry it through to its success, looking after every single detail. We accompany them in the initial definition and construction (MVP), as well as in the growth, analysis and business evolution stages.

We have come into the world with the conviction of building solid products, both at the technical and product levels, taking good care of the user experience down to the smallest detail.

We bring added value

Our experience allows us to provide added value thanks to our know-how in each and every team we are a part of and collaborate with.

Design: We have a good eye for design. We understand the needs of the companies we work with and lead the product design.
· We design the user interaction, experience and interface.
· We build brand design and corporate identity.
· We manage creative teams and take over design direction.

Product: We are artisans. We love to become an integral part of teams of all sizes in order to create incredible solutions.
· Strategy and product definition.
· Implementation and optimization of the development cycle.
· KPI definition and alignment of the product with business and technology.

Technology: We are very technical. Our team can develop and implement the best product and business ideas.
· Full Stack Web development.
· Native iOS + Android mobile development.
· Optimization of the development cycle.
· Team management.

Mentoring: We share our knowledge on design, product and technology via lectures at events and conferences, as well as training and building the capacity of small and medium-sized teams.

Recruiting: We know the needs of our sector, as well as where to find good professionals. We will help you with your hiring processes so that you can include the best professionals in your team, bearing in mind your needs and corporate culture.

Communication and values

We believe that communication and honesty are the pillars of a long-lasting relationship. We provide continuous reports in order to be perfectly aligned with the needs of the teams we work with.

We establish the necessary control mechanisms to control design, functionality and product KPIs as well as technical design, so that you can quickly iterate and find the path to growth.

We are obsessed with metrics.

Each minute we spend working on a project we make the greatest effort and apply our values, which have been with us throughout our entire career.

Passion: We are passionate about what we do; it is the only way to get the best possible result.

Simplicity: Keep it simple. We do not like to make our users think.

“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” (Steve Jobs)

Excellence: We are very critical about the result of our work.

“The best or nothing” (Gottlieb Daimler)

Nothing is impossible: We are natural-born creators of solutions, and we love challenges. Everything can be done; you just need to want to do it.

We have this engraved in our hearts, it is our way of life. We love to design, program and manage products and businesses. Every day, we work to convey this to our clients and users.

Who we are

· Álvaro Bernal, Design.
· Jorge Carabias (Cara), Product.
· David Lorenzo (Loren), Technology.

In the past 5 years we have managed and developed our best work at several start-ups and large companies, creating products that we are proud of.

We are quite certain that we wish to continue doing what we love, together.

Some companies and projects we have worked for, individually and as a team.

Shall we have a coffee?

If you liked what you read and want us to work together, you can send us an e-mail to hola@urano.studio. We will be happy to have a coffee with you and get to work on a new project.

Also, remember that you can follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.

Thank you!

(Lee la versión en español de este post aquí)



Jorge Carabias
Urano Studio

Product guy. Product @blarlo, @uranostudio. Computer science engineer. Design and data freak. Left-handed. Everybody calls me “Cara”.