Back To School

Henry Bradley
Urban Archive
Published in
2 min readAug 29, 2021

Whether dragging their feet or rushing through the doors, most kids in New York will be heading back to the classroom on September 13th. But whether they look forward to it or dread it, the beginning of the school year is always memorable. And now, after more than a year of virtual learning, we’ve begun thinking about our schoolyard memories as well! What we’ve decided: is that we want yours!

Traveling Library Station — A travel library station of children’s books at the New York Parental School, a year round boarding school for habitual truants and troublemakers, founded in 1909.

What does that mean? It means we want images of you at prom in the ’90s, your parents attending pep rallies in the ‘60s, lounging in the schoolyard in the ‘70s, or even your grandparents playing hooky in the ’20s.

Rhodes School, class rooms.

Bring some of your scholastic memories to the map! We’ll add them to our #backtoschool map and compile them into a highlight story that captures the varied spirit of New York City schools throughout the years. Don’t be afraid to submit more than one or follow the theme as it fits for you! And, for a little inspiration, more images of school back in the day!

“Kiddie calisthenics–… At P. S. 29, Henry and Baltic Sts., health eduction teacher Rosalie Gioia puts her [kindergarten] group through the paces of a calisthenics drill. …”
Children getting on a school bus, leaving the Gareiss property.
Ogden High School Student Body, circa Oct. 1896, Ogden

