New in the Archive: March 2023

Urban Archive
Published in
2 min readMar 15, 2023

Hello again! With only 28 days in February, this past month really flew by. Still, we have some interesting updates about what we’ve been up to here at Urban Archive.

Starting us off, our Developers have been hard at work, cleaning up the iOS app, adding new features (audio!), and fixing bugs along the way. A new update should be available soon for all users.

Urban Archive iOS app

We’ve also begun curating content for when we go live on LinkNYC again! This is a tedious process but will ultimately allow us and our partners to once again reach new audiences right in the streets. If you are familiar with our previous presence on LinkNYC kiosks, you’ll know we used to only display images on their screens. Now we will also be including our ‘walks’ so passersby can further engage with our content. Stay tuned to see exactly how that all works!

There are nearly 2,000 LinkNYC kiosks in the city

Finally, we’ve been contacted by some new organizations (and locations) about more potential projects. We hope to really dive into these over the next few months as we expand Urban Archive’s reach. Of course, we’ll update our community more about those specifics once the time comes.

Some additional updates:

  • We’ve been creating mailing lists to more readily communicate with our partners (paying and non-paying alike)
  • We’ll be trying out some new content during Q2 so be sure to follow our social media channels to stay up to date!
  • The Queen Name Explorer has received some of its first user submissions! Submit your own and contribute to this record of community-based history.

