Urban Archive’s Year in Review

Here’s what happened in 2020…

Sam Addeo
Urban Archive
Published in
4 min readDec 16, 2020


It’s no secret that 2020 has been a challenging year for us all. But despite everything, Urban Archive users came together in powerful ways!

In a year marked by uncertainty and loss, our partners and community taught us important lessons, reflected on the past with the present, and provided comfort throughout the pandemic, as well as creating downright awesome and funny stories for folks to enjoy at home.

Today, we’re looking back at some of those conversations, wins, and big moments. Scroll down for the best of Urban Archive in 2020 in this year in review!

Urban Archive By The Numbers 📈

  • 229,089 users — up 422% year over year (YoY)
  • 103,220 images mapped — up 13% YoY
  • 780 stories — up 56% YoY
  • 116 partners — up 66% YoY
  • 4 cities — up 33% YoY

Most Popular Content 🔥

New Milestones ✔️

  • Urban Archive won two awards! One from the American Alliance for Museums for our Historic NYC campaign, and another from The Webby’s as the best arts and culture app.
  • Our team launched Urban Archive for Education, rolling out over 156 stories, curriculum guides, and lesson plans over the course aimed at aiding teachers as they engage students in local history through archival collections.
  • Our sustainability grew as we worked with our partners to fundraise for the development of new features and tools that expand access to historical collections.

Partner Projects We’re Proud Of 👊

Fancy New Tech ✨

Other Great Stuff 💪

What’s Next 👀

  • We’re expanding to Ogden, Utah to explore the history of the transcontinental railroad with our new friends at the Museums at Union Station.
  • Pretty soon, Urban Archive will be able to support new media types (hint: oral histories, guided tours, and historic soundscapes).
  • We’re gearing up to unlock user accounts, making it possible for anyone to submit their photos to Urban Archive and share their stories with our community. We know you’re interested in beta-testing so shoot us an email at team@urbanarchive.nyc to get the details!
Men embracing via Brooklyn Public Library


As always, thanks to everyone who has cheered us on at Urban Archive! We can’t wait to see what the next year brings. Thanks for your help in making our work, platform, and community awesome.

