The Complete Guide to Superior Beard Care

Treat your beard

Urban Beard
Urban Beard
5 min readApr 3, 2021


Image from Canva

Beards get a lot of attention, but you want to get the proper attention. Beard care is different for black men. It’s just a ­­fact.

Whether you are looking for ways to keep your beard fresh or to grow it out for the first time, you need to know exactly how to care for it.

Beard care is one of a kind, and I’m here to help you achieve the best results so that you can enjoy this look.

Why Beard Care is Different For Black Men

Beard care is different for black men because our hair is coarser and curly. This means that you are more likely to experience skin irritation from grooming and growing a beard than other men.

If you have curly hair, you are more likely to have ingrown hairs than men with thinner, straight hair. Ingrown hairs are common for a number of reasons. The first thing to do when shaving is to create a “clean” edge on the strands. This hair then curls up and gets stuck in your skin. The result is irritation and pimple-like bumps.

Your beard may also take longer to grow. So you have to be patient if you want to have a full beard. Know that the effort is worth it. So we’re going to share the best Beard care tips for you. Following are the best beard care tips to take care of and maintain your beard at the best level.

Take Care Of The Skin Under The Beard.

When it comes to Proper beard care for black men, the most important thing they need to worry about is the skin underneath their facial hair. The most common problem in black men with a thick beard is dry skin under the skin caused by frequent absorption of water by facial hair.

When you have dry skin, your beard is prone to various problems like dandruff and itchy beard. To avoid all these problems, you should also take care of the skin under your facial hair. And the best way to do it is to continue taking care of your skin. Use a good quality beard oil and balm kit that fully penetrates facial hair and skin.

Wash Your Beard At Least Once A Week.

Everyone knows that over time your beard can get dirty and even develop germs. This is because your beard is exposed to various things like dirt, dust particles, food debris, and more.

Washing your beard at least once a week will protect it from the development of germs and other bacteria. Use a good quality beard shampoo to wash your beard so that dirt, dust, and other particles can be removed from your beard. For a black man’s beard, use shaving soap or shampoo that does not dry out facial hair and removes natural oil.

Avoid Hard Products

The most common mistake black men make is grooming their beards with all the products available. All of these products contain harsh chemicals that affect the quality of facial hair.

These chemicals can sometimes irritate the skin under the skin, removing natural oils. If you are trying to promote beard growth, you need to be careful about the products you choose. It is best to use organic products that contain organic ingredients like essential oils.

Cut It If Necessary

Black men need to be very careful from time to time when trimming facial hair. However, many bearded black men believe that trimming can be tricky due to their thick, coarse hair. The nature of your face is to curl up and become fragile. However, avoiding a prolonged cut can lead to split ends and loose hair. For these men, a regular cut is the best option as it makes it easy to cut the beard style every day. ‘

Keep Track Of Your Diet

Many people wouldn’t believe it, but your facial hair has a lot more to do with what you eat. Your eating habits are responsible for the growth, quality of your body hair, and more.

The foods you eat play an essential role in the development of strong and healthy facial hair. If you want thick, healthy and abundant facial hair, you should eat foods rich in vitamins C and A, such as broccoli, citrus fruits, and tomatoes. All of these things help improve the skin under facial hair. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids like salmon also help in hair growth and good for Beard care.

Comb and Brush Your Beard

Combing and brushing are essential steps in grooming black men’s beards. It is important to comb your beard regularly, as this will help prevent hair from tangling. You should also brush your beard on regular basis with a boar bristle brush for proper beard care.

Wild boar hair is natural and soft, so it does not cause any damage. Brushing promotes growth by increasing blood flow to the hair follicle. Plus, it helps distribute the natural oils that will evenly protect your beard.

When choosing a comb for Beard care, you need to make sure that the teeth of the comb are smooth. A smooth-toothed comb prevents pulling, which leads to split ends or even damages hair follicles, resulting in hair loss.

Drink Enough

Staying hydrated always helps with beard growth; it’s probably the fact that no one believes easily. Your body loses 2 to 3 liters of water in various ways. Dehydration is known to affect the length and thickness of the head and facial hair. When there is enough water in your body, it promotes blood circulation and blood circulation. This will help improve beard growth and keep it in tip-top condition, making it look shinier and fluffier.

Proper Exercise

Regular exercise promotes overall health and offers many other benefits. Exercise in men in particular leads to increased testosterone levels and metabolism, two factors that point to beard growth. Regular exercise also promotes blood circulation, which allows nutrients to enter the hair follicles.

Avoid Stress

The hormone testosterone is necessary for beard growth, and stress can have a significant effect on this hormone. When you are stressed, your body releases the stress hormone, which reduces the amount of testosterone in your blood. So try to reduce stress by getting enough sleep to have a Proper beard care.

Don’t Remove Ingrown Hairs

Since black men tend to have curly hair, they tend to pull out their ingrown hairs because they feel itchy and irritable. However, if you pluck out the ingrown hairs, they will only be temporarily relieved, but they can leave scars on your face. It can also lead to skin irritation and unhealthy beard growth. The simple thing is that when facial hair grows back, it can look messy, but when you remove it it can cause many other problems.

Keep Calm

It’s probably the only thing black men with beards can do. It would help if you let the beard grow naturally. It may take a while, but you need to be patient to avoid further problems with your facial hair. Black men manage their Beard care best by brushing, trimming, and shaping them as needed.

Final Thoughts

Grooming and styling the beard is very different for black men than it is for other men. You may have seen a lot of black-bearded actors who have worn a lot of different beard styles and then groomed themselves. Growing a beard is not difficult, but it can be quite difficult, but you can have a well-groomed beard with a few precautions.

