Urban Company’s ESG Report

UC Blogger
Urban Company
Published in
4 min readJul 2, 2024

We are proud to present our latest Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) report. This document is testament to our unwavering commitment to sustainable growth, ethical practices, and positive social impact. This report showcases initiatives to engage stakeholders, promote diversity and inclusion, and reduce our environmental footprint. We believe these initiatives are the right thing to do and essential for long-term business success.

ESG commitments and achievements

I Social

Middle-class earnings: Committed to service partners1 earning at least a living wage (1.8x minimum wage in New Delhi)

  • Average monthly in-hand earnings on the platform:
  • Top 20% partners: INR 42,719
  • Partners delivering >30 services in a month: INR 33,469
  • All partners: INR 24,845
  • Living wage reimbursements: INR 16,00,000
  • Urban Company conducts monthly checks to ensure all our service partners are earning at least the living wage, and wherever their earnings do not meet the required threshold, we reimburse them the differential amount.

Social Protection: Provide life, accidental and health insurance cover to all Service Partners on a voluntary basis

  • Insurance (accidental and health) cover to all partners:
  • INR 6.29 Cr in FY24 | supported 1,800 service partners
  • INR 9.8 Cr lifetime | supported >3,500 service partners
  • Access to credit through NBFCs:
  • INR 38.90 Cr worth of loans disbursed in FY24 | supported 29,700 service partners
  • INR 81.91 Cr disbursed lifetime | supported ~63,000 service partners

Train & Upskill: Train & upskill 250,000 service partners by 2030, including at least 50,000 women Service Partners

  • Investments made towards training and upskilling:
  • FY24: INR 138 Cr+
  • Lifetime: INR 524 Cr+
  • Partners trained:
  • In FY 24: 35,000
  • Over the company lifetime: 1,50,000

II Governance

Independent and diverse board

  • 9-member board with 3 independent directors

Increase women representation in leadership and senior management roles to 30% by 2026; and overall women representation in Urban Company to 40% by 2026

  • Overall representation of women: 32%
  • Women in leadership and senior management roles: 24.2%

Create a diverse and inclusive platform, helping people of all backgrounds unlock their potential

  • Accessibility feature on our app: Integrated VoiceOver on iOS and TalkBack on Android, enabling visually impaired users to easily navigate and book service
  • Policy against discrimination implemented in letter and in spirit

III Environment

Reduce carbon footprint by promoting reuse and repair of home appliances

  • FY24:
  • Over 235 million units of energy saved
  • 2M units of durable goods prevented from being sent to landfills
  • 1.78B CO2E GHG emissions prevented
  • Lifetime:
  • Over 600 million units of energy saved
  • 7.5M units of durable goods prevented from being sent to landfills
  • ~3B CO2E GHG emissions prevented

Build an ethical supply chain

  • Detailed agreements spanning operating protocols, data security, and ethical compliances in place with all suppliers.

A Commitment to Sustainability

Our ESG initiatives are deeply aligned with our commitment to creating a sustainable and equitable future. Through our efforts, we are contributing to several key global goals, including:

  • Good health & well-being
  • Gender equality
  • Decent work and economic growth
  • Reduced inequalities
  • Responsible consumption and production
  • Climate action

These commitments are not only the right thing to do but are also essential for the long-term success and sustainability of our business. We will continue to strive towards these goals with the same unwavering determination that drives us towards creating a ‘Win-Win’ marketplace for all.

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UC Blogger
Urban Company

The author of stories from inside Urban Company (owner of Engineering, Design & Culture blogs)