Tube Strike Hits London

But #BikeTheStrike hits back

Karl Roche
2 min readFeb 5, 2014

London’s Underground train drivers are currently holding industrial action causing many lines to close, forcing commuters to find other ways to get to work.

The Guardian

“Tube workers from the RMT and TSSA unions will remain on strike until 9.30pm on Thursday evening. On Wednesday, while managers, non-union staff and volunteers operated a limited service on sections of eight of the 11 tube lines, only around a third of trains ran and many stations were closed.”

Of course humour is never far away in these sorts of situations.

Real sentiment wasn’t much different

There are lots more like this on the sentiment tracking site

As people arrived in London from outside the capital they were greeted with many, many, many others hoping to catch the bus.


However, one group of commuters was blissfully ignorant of the problems of fellow travelers. Regular cyclists have long since given up on London transport, prefering to rely on their own ability. Perhaps this was a good time to help a few more drivers onto bikes?

@markbikeslondon of decided to encourage others to get their bikes out and beat the strike.

Bike the strike! Let’s get London to work on two wheels

“But there’s plenty of people in London who will be considering using a bike to get through the strike who might be feeling nervous, may be inexperienced at cycling with London traffic or simply may not know the way overground to their place of work.

So here at i b i k e l o n d o n we thought we’d combine the goodwill of the London cycling community with the magic of social media and put together BikeTheStrike!”

Want to #BikeTheStrike? Then here is the map with the rides you can join.

Map of guided cycle rides during the tube strike

How it looked from the cyclist's point of view

Cyclists triumph during Tube strike as London roads deadlocked

While Tube users were stranded at closed stations and roads were deadlocked, cyclists showed two wheels were better than four as they weaved in and out of stationary traffic.

More news on this



Karl Roche

Self proclaimed disruptive communicator & cyclist. My own views here.